Masters of Horror series?

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
it's a show on Showtime where each episode is a little hour-long movie by the likes of John Carpenter, Toby Hooper, Dario Argento and lesser horror "masters" (definate lessers) ... lately i suck at remembering when shows are on (and considering there are maybe 3 tv shows that i watch regularly, this speaks wonders for the capacity of my brain) so i never watched and episode, and now that we had to get rid of almost all of our movie channels, i'll never get to see the reruns of this show. can anyone give me their opinion of it if they saw it?
I've seen maybe half of them, I too am horrible with remembering schedules so missed a lot of them...

but overall they weren't that good, sometimes decent, but the majority were too cheesy. However I think the ambition to do something like this with these directors is GREAT, so I'm grateful it happened..

but I can't even remember which ones I saw and which ones I liked at the moment..
I have been watching the show quite often. It has potential for sure, I'm hoping season 2 will hit a stride.

So far my favorite episode was the one with the film that made everyone who saw it go mad. Apparently the film, only seen once, was of a group of people torturing an angel and all sorts of madness.

It was pretty cool.
"Dreams In The Witchhouse" - Stuart Gordon

Really liked that one. Gordon does good work with Lovecraft.

"Jenifer" - Dario Argento

Nicely done. But c'mon Argento, you could do better than that. This would have been one of the better ones if not for Steven Weber.