Mastodon - Crack the Skye


Jul 27, 2008
Silent Hill
Mastodon's 4th studio release "Crack the Skye" comes out tomorrow (March 24th). According to different interviews with the band, they are incorporating more progressive elements in the music and subsequently, less of the intensity that they have become known for.

I don't know about you guys, but I am really excited for this album. It seems they are focusing on more on the songwriting than on technicality or speed, a change that I see as only being positive. Those of you that got the album earlier than your supposed to :Smug:, how are you liking it so far? Also, those we plan to purchase it tomorrow with me, feel free to give your initial impressions!

I have one question though. I went to pre-order it on itunes, and write below the "pre-order" button I see this "CLEAN LYRIC" label. What the hell is that? Does that mean that I would be ordering an edited version of the cd?
I have one question though. I went to pre-order it on itunes, and write below the "pre-order" button I see this "CLEAN LYRIC" label. What the hell is that? Does that mean that I would be ordering an edited version of the cd?

'Clean Lyric' sounds like some kind of censorship thang.

I'm going to wait until I hear this before I rush out and buy it. Mastodon are good, but they don't 'WOW!' me.
Those of you that got the album earlier than your supposed to :Smug:, how are you liking it so far?

i dont like your tone laddy boy boy:err:

nothing wrong with downloading it before it comes out, so you know what youre paying for. id have cracked the shits if i bought steve wilsons solo album before id heard it.

but as for the cd, sounds ok, but nothing spectacular which was what i expected.
always true i just hate the holier than thou tone. tbh i dont wanna spend perfectly good money on something i dont know for sure is going to be at least decent. i love buying cds, buy pretty much everything i like but im not just going to throw money away on shit i dont want.
A lot of people download to hear an album and if they like it they will buy a hard copy, and I don't see a thing wrong with that.

I was actually thinking about this today, and you could easily make plenty of arguements either way. I won't go into it all as it was quite a lot of points I came up with (yeah, I have too much time on my hands).

The 'holier-than-thou' attitude is annoying though.
how did a disussion about an album turn into an argument about downloading?
This is a great album btw
i did an argumentative essay on whether downloading is ok or not. obv said it was ok and got full marks. but yeh its a pretty complicated topic and theres no real right answer i think. just personal preference really.
I heard the whole album on their myspace last week. It's probably my favorite Mastodon album so far. It's very different with more of a stoner rock vibe rather than sludge.
Steven Wilson's solo album is decent. I give it a 7/10. There are a few songs I listen to occasionally (Get All You Deserve, Abandoner, Significant Other), but overall the cd feels a bit weak. I still recommend picking it up though.

hm, ok. i still got plenty of porcupine tree cds to listen through anyway :p

ok, maybe back to topic now lol.