Matadors - The Muse of Senor Ray


Apr 5, 2003
The Matadors - The Muse of Senor Ray
Devil Doll Records - DDR-37 - 2006
By Brandon Strader


The Muse of Senor Ray is like a blast from the past. Playing rock songs stuffed with funky riffs, surfing percussion, and off-key vocals, Matadors may be on to something here... What exactly are they on to? Well, apparently they are stuck in the past - a genre that died, and overall produced few, if any, worthwhile albums or hits. Were their intentions to revive this kind of music and make it better?

Whether that is the case is very unlikely, as they seem to be doing more wrong on this attempt than previous groups of the same kind. The vocals, apart from being off-key and sounding like they're being performed by a "surfer dude", also have one other annoying flaw. There seems to be a bit of distortion present on the actual vocal recordings, which is much more apparent during a vocal layer.

The songs, although not overly basic, are extremely unoriginal. Each song on the album is a generic surfing tune. There is the occasional short blues-scale rock solo, but nothing that could really save The Muse of Senor Ray from the garbage bin... Then again, these guys could become the next Beach Boys or something.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Official Matadors Website
Official Devil Doll Records Website