Matching Violins/Chellos Piece - Session Strings Pro


New Metal Member
Jul 22, 2014
Currently doing some mixing practice thanks to the wonderful thread found here. I'm messing around with the Capture The Crown stems, and am trying to recreate this Violins and Chello piece (taken from the stems).

Currently using Session Strings Pro. From what I hear, the Violins are partially panned left, and the Chellos partially right, but I can't figure out the "playing style" that would be used. The reverb I'm guessing is some form of Chamber reverb (correct me if I'm wrong).

Not sure on other bits if there are any, just trying to see what I can learn and need a bit of a kick start. Any help is appreciated, midi is below if wanted. :)

EDIT: Youtube link to full song if wanted.
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Not familiar with the song, but it sounds like you could be going for one of two things:
— a more legato style, which would mean more overlapping notes or longer release times on your legato patch
— Marcato style: a marcato articulation patch from your library (if session strings pro has one). Marcato would give the strings a little more energy in the attack and a specific marcato articulation patch would definitely help so that the strings don't sound so much like midi
Hope that helps
Not familiar with the song, but it sounds like you could be going for one of two things:
— a more legato style, which would mean more overlapping notes or longer release times on your legato patch
— Marcato style: a marcato articulation patch from your library (if session strings pro has one). Marcato would give the strings a little more energy in the attack and a specific marcato articulation patch would definitely help so that the strings don't sound so much like midi
Hope that helps

Thanks for the tips! Will give it a shot tonight. :)

Christ, man! It's cello, no "h"

I didn't listen to the clip, so I've nothing useful to add.

My fault! Mistakes of writing posts late at night. XD