Matt & Ol Discuss Being Brothers in Evile

Haha, this is well funny. I actually was pretty interested, I could never be in the same band as my brother, hes totally the opposite of me.
Haha, great stuff. I wouldn't know what it's like to have a sibling at all, but I imagine it would be different having family in the same band.
Since when's checking the list of contents woman-y? :lol: I do it all the time. I mean, I rarely give a crap about it, but I check it.
i never check the back of the packet, ignorance is bliss

but cool interview i dunno if i cud be in the same band as my brother get on really well but that much time together cud b abit much
My brothers are 7 and 8..... :lol:
And my three sisters don't like metal soo..... *shrug*

More power to ya Matt and Ol! :kickass:
Oh :lol:

My brother is REALLY the exact opposite of me

I'm quiet, he's loud
I'm responsible, he's not
He's annoying, I'm not lol, well at least in real life.

Yeah mine is very different from me, but I still like him for who he is. If that makes any sense.
i had a mega drive when i was little and was always jealous of the kids with SNESes :(
*with :p

my bro is 12 years younger than me and im trying to get him into metal