Mattias Noren - ProgArt Media to Close


Oskee Wow Wow!
Jan 5, 2007
Northern Chicago Burbs

Dear all!
I have been running my CD artwork business for a few years now. I guess it's every artist's dream to be able to make a living out of something you really love to do. Unfortunately the music business has really suffered from all illegal downloading. Until about a year ago it didn't really hurt my business, but lately I have struggled with labels and artists asking me to do jobs for them and then they haven't been able to pay me in time… or pay at all. I have heard from other cover artists that they are having the same problems.

When I'm writing this there are 5 labels/artists that owe me money that don't even bother answering my mails anymore. I have a family to feed here… this is simply not working anymore. I still love doing cover art and work with all those fantastic bands out there… but the "business part" has sucked all energy out of me lately. So when a "real" job showed up I decided to take it with a start in January 2008.

I will finish all projects I'm working on at the moment, and while doing this I won't take on any new projects AT ALL. After that ProgArt Media will be something that I can only spend a limited couple of hours a week on.

The situation might change again in the future. I don't know. I just feel that this is what I want to do right now. I hope you can understand and respect my decision. I can tell you, it wasn't an easy one.

WOW! That's sad to hear you have to close but I am happy to hear you got the job, Mattias (if you read this....)

You do great work. I hope we're able to benefit from your beautiful art again in the future. Best of luck to you and the whole family in the new J-O-B!
I can't believe this, Mattias is really one of the best in this business and responsible for so many incredible album covers. This really is a dark day for the genre, best of luck to him with the new job.
Grrrrr - un-friggin-real man. Mattias is an A-1 guy and It's for reasons like this, the consequential supportive industries being affected, that I said recently that this whole industry (our Metal one more specifically) is in a dire place right now. Mattias is one of the top guys for our style, imagine all the lower level artists getting shafted right now.

I know Mattias has a lot of class and is probably struggling with whether to release the names of the bands/labels cheating him, whether that happens we'll see. I sure would like to see the names I can tell you that, and I would show my support for Mattias with which products I buy or not.

I will add to his misery by saying, I myself am short over $1000 from my own pocket from ProgPower fees that I am still waiting to see if I get paid for (not by Glenn of course, but from labels/artists who booked tracks/ads). I can say next year things will be different on how I do things (this is not the first year this has happened, but is the most expensive out of my pocket).
That's really too bad. Mattias is one of the best artists the power/prog metal genre has to offer. He is distinctive, highly creative, and inspiring. Our loss will be some company's remarkable gain.

Maybe those who vehemently deny illegal downloads are adversely affecting anyone will believe Mattias if they don't believe anyone who's posted in the Forum this month.

Good luck to you Mattias!

That really sucks...I'm always amazed by Mattias' covers. I don't want to spark a new debate, but IMO it sounds more like an issue stemming from deadbeat artists & labels than from filesharing. Either way, good luck on your future endeavors Mattias! :notworthy
I didn't recognize the name, but I definitely recognized the art when I checked out his website. That really sucks he won't be making any more awesome covers and logos!
I consider Mattias a good friend, and I've talked to him a lot over the past month since he got offered the job. Even if it's VERY sad to see him drop out of the business (or at least, cut seriously down on the amount of stuff he is doing), I'm truly happy for him with regards to his new job. This is a job he feels comfortable with and that will not only provide him w money for his family but will also satisfy him on a professional level. I too wish Mattias all the best of luck in the future, and I thank him for all the fantastic artwork he has done for my bands throughout the years.

Thank you thank you!
And I can assure you that you haven't seen my last artwork yet. But they will probably not pop up as often as before. You're probably sick and tired of them anyway, so it might be a good thing :)
Thank you thank you!
And I can assure you that you haven't seen my last artwork yet. But they will probably not pop up as often as before. You're probably sick and tired of them anyway, so it might be a good thing :)

An unfortunate situation, no doubt. But, I can't help but say that the Mattias Noren cover art had really started to become a little 'too' inundated. In regards to being owed moneys, aside from that sucking big time, perhaps you could kill two birds with one stone... make them pre-pay in advance, and... be more selective of your projects. I, for one, loved much of your work, but it always seemed better when you worked within the confines of the album material rather than just having the band picking a pre-arranged piece of art. JMHO.
Thank you thank you!
And I can assure you that you haven't seen my last artwork yet. But they will probably not pop up as often as before. You're probably sick and tired of them anyway, so it might be a good thing :)

**Mattias, you are one of a kind. It's a shame, but like any business, people just don't want to pay for anything. Computers allow bands to design their own artwork and it kills it for extreme pure talent as you. You're artwork is amazing!!!!! I hope you stick around even on a part-time level.
Thank you thank you!
And I can assure you that you haven't seen my last artwork yet. But they will probably not pop up as often as before. You're probably sick and tired of them anyway, so it might be a good thing :)
While I'm sad as hell to hear you're cutting way back, I'm happy you've found a job that will not only support your family, but be satisfying for you as well. I, for one, have never gotten tired of your skill and style and proudly have a number of your covers hanging on my walls. Will you still be selling your art on the website? I'd like to get some more.
Mattias -

Congrats on the new job! I couldn't be happier with the art you produced for me, and I really hope I get to see more of your work in the future. Perhaps now that you do not have to create cover art for a living you will find even more satisfaction out of those that you do create.
Matt - Thanks, yes that's exactly what I'm hoping for as well. Will be a good feeling to be able to spend a lot of time on a design and know that the budget won't be a problem even if you put in some extra hours.

Slappy - Thanks I will.

AMBR - Yes, the printshop will stay of course.

Guardian - Nice to meet you too.

Really sad to hear that you have to close down the business, we know each other for over 10 years now and it was so great to see how you became such a professional! But I fully understand your decission, family is the most important thing in life!

So good luck in the future and we will see each again next year, at ProgPower Europe at the latest, but I think we will come to Sweden next year and than we definitely stop by in Alingsas!!

I'm sorry to hear this Mattias. I really loved the artwork for Quantum. I even bought a Quantum T-shirt! Hope everything works out well for you.:)