Matt's May 2015 album update

Based on the band's Facebook posts, it appears they've got their heads down and they're working hard on the new album. They've posted three video clips in the last month or so. Also included is this nugget: "recording a cover song for a possible b-side/bonus track".
Matt posted a two minute video update on FB on March 25 covering the upcoming festival shows (July 3 in Sweden and July 4 in Norway) and the progress of the new album.

Basically: they are finishing up the last of the song-writing and arranging, the lyrics are almost done, and parts of a few songs have been recorded (background parts). They will soon be heading into the studio to record everything.
Hey Guys--
I'm sorry, I've been awful about updating here. I've been swamped! Things are going well, and you can expect some more updates soon. We have indeed already been recording stuff, albeit in slightly out-of-order fashion because of availability. Stuff is sounding great, and we're knocking out the official drum tracks next month. Between recording and getting ready for our Atlanta show in June and Scandinavia shows in July, it's getting more and more hectic, but that's good. :)
Stay tuned for further updates! I hope you guys are well, and thank you for the continued support!
Thanks for the update, Matt! I'm patiently waiting for new material. Take your time and make it great! No pressure. :) God bless!