Maudio or KRKs??


Contagious Destruction
Dec 31, 2006
I used my maudio bx5s for many many years..then my crossover went out yesterday...

Unfortunetly i dont have a big budget and i just sold my yamaha ns10s so i could have cash to build my new computer (i didnt have them hooked up cause i didnt have an amp. I shot myself in the foot i know.) I did kept them around as a backup but thats ok..

So im kinda in a jam cause im recording and mixing a band and basically i did like the maudio and i know how they sound in my enviornment so i may just stick with those..
But this kid by my house is selling a pair of KRK5s for 120 bucks work great i guess just some skuff marks..

I'd say those KRK's are going to be better than nothing, although your ear will probably not be used to them.

Still, 120 for a pair, assuming they are working fine, is a decent deal and should get you through until you can save up for another pair.
I'd say those KRK's are going to be better than nothing, although your ear will probably not be used to them.

Still, 120 for a pair, assuming they are working fine, is a decent deal and should get you through until you can save up for another pair.

Good point..I do agree.. Im gonna see if i can catch a deal on some maudio probably to see if i can get a steal if not i get those. I do wanna try something new