maudlin of the Well: Part the Second


someone on another board posted this.

New Maudlin of the Well album posted on their website for free download. They're giving that suggested donation approach a shot like Radiohead did with In Rainbows, but Maudlin of the Well obviously need the donation quite a bit more so maybe people will actually consider it. Haven't heard it yet, but I'll drop some dollar bills on it.

Labels: experimental metal, genital boner, members of kayo dot, won't get taken down
This is incredible.

The only thing that would be better are shirt designs.
Even if you just do what Lord K of Project Hate does. Gets people to pre-order the shirt, then only orders however many shirts that were pre-ordered, so you're not getting plenty of stock that won't go anywhere.
Guys, wow. Everything I could have hoped for. The whole thing sounds so natural and effortless somehow, though I'm sure that's pretty far from the reality.
Hi, i downloaded the mp3's from the website several times but for some reason certain files don't seem to get recognized ( usually the first and last songs ). Iv'e also had the same problem with the flac. and wav. files; they just wont play on any media player besides the 2nd, 3rd and 4th songs usually. Thanks for any help you can give me. I listened to the whole thing on the website and i thought it was awesome.
Hi, i downloaded the mp3's from the website several times but for some reason certain files don't seem to get recognized ( usually the first and last songs ). Iv'e also had the same problem with the flac. and wav. files; they just wont play on any media player besides the 2nd, 3rd and 4th songs usually. Thanks for any help you can give me. I listened to the whole thing on the website and i thought it was awesome.

You might want to try downloading again. I had a similar problem with the FLACs, but after I re-downloaded it was ok.

It's certainly weird though. I've never experienced this kinds of torrent problem before, but I was aware it could happen.
BitTorrent has built-in error checking, so if you choose the option like "do a hash/checksum check" in your client, it'll check out which parts are bad and flag them to be downloaded again. So you don't have to download the whole thing again.
This is absolutely fantastic, thank you for being so generous. Will a physical copy ever be for sale?
Oh and BTW I can NOT get the FLAC files to play right. After trying for about two hours I just downloaded the WAV. Still I'd love to fix this problem to play the FLAC.