MAutoVolume sidechain in Reaper


Feb 26, 2013
Knowing the impossibility of using VST3 in Reaper, in my case more specifically use the Vocal Raider in sidechain, I plan to try the demo of Melda MAutoVolume. Would someone explain me (for dummies) how do Sidechain with this plugin in this DAW? I mean, my intention is to put it on the vocals channel and send it the rest of "sounds" for MAV adjust the volume automatically. Could I do that? Or am I making a basic mistake?

Thanks in advance, people, with you I learn more everyday!!

P.s.: Sorry for my english
Thank you very much for you answer. When I get home the first thing I will do will be to try this. Cheers!
Tested. All right. Accustomed to Cubase, it seems a bit messy but works perfectly. The next thing I will do is try the plugin you've recommended. Thank you again!
Glad I could help. Yes it is a bit messy I agree. The upside however, is that you can use this method to sidechain plugins that don't support sidechaining in any other host :D
They control the level of the track they are inserted on based on the levels coming from the sidechain. So if you send your whole mix to the vocals, the vocals will get louder when the music gets louder and quieter when the music gets quieter. Or if you send white noise it will keep a track at a constant level.