Maxon OD808 & Line6 HD147 question...


Mathew Cohen
yesterday I totally screwed up my knee and its a pain trying to get around my studio and hook things up to try this... that being said...

my question is... I have both of said units...

Would it be pointless running the 808 in front of the digital amp to tighten up the tone in the way it is done with tube amps?

Please no Line6 bashing... I plan to buy either a 6505 or a XSr as soon as I can... until then...

Thanks in advance for any advice/criticism/comments/tips/jokes/pictures of hot girls...

:kickass: :loco: :loco: :loco: :loco: :loco: :kickass:
I believe some members here do this with their Pod XT's. I definitely remember Kazrog mentioning he does this instead of using the XT's emulation of a TS-9, when he gave out his patches. I assume it would still have the desired effect.
my brother constantly steals my maxon and runs it into a Line 6 Spider and it does in fact sound better