question about pedals (tubescreamer, maxon od)


Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
ok so i know almost enough about the fact that most modern andy mixes and many people prefer to use a ts 808 or ts 9 or maxon od 808... whatever.

i've never been particularly fond of a pedal in front of a dual rectifier or emg pickups for that matter i liked passives and the raw tone of a dual recto, or 5150, or mark iv, whatever, but i got some bands coming in who have that "job for a cowboy" and "chimaria" thing going on so i figure it's time i join the rest of the world and pick up a pedal to give them that smooth rhythm sound. my question is this: i know there are several versions of these pedals with mods, without mods...

if i had to get one (im guessing the 808 series whether it be the ibanez ts 808 or the maxon od 808) which one is the "staple" of the pedal boosted metal tone, and lets say i do get it, should i get a modded one, say a keely modded one??? i know that the downsides of the chip in the original pedals which cut a low of low end is what makes it good, so then i figured since the mod corrects it then for the usage in metal tones it probablyt is not good.

someone please help me out here. say the ones that andy uses for his reamping of those dropped C chimaira tones and stuff and JFAC which pedal is it, and if its modded, what kind of mod????

the only think i know for sure is that KSE generally use the maxon pedals but then again andy reamped that too so who knows.

thanks in advance
hmm if you dont mind me askign what are the differences between that and the ibanez ts808 and what gives thaqt more chimaira or JFAC creamy sound im talking about. i know a lot has to do with pickups and amps and stuff but ive been listening to guitar tones enough to hear the pedal im just not sure which is which... unless they are so close that i can't even tell the difference
Christ on a carousel, who murdered the fucking search button?

There is precisely a twenty cent difference between the TS9 and the TS808, or between the OD9 and the OD808 or the BDSM9 and GLBQ808 or whatever the fuck you're buying and trying to figure out. You're not going to be able to tell the difference, and if you don't believe me I will personally shoot up some pictures and send you a bloody diagram that'll let you go between the two at the flick of a switch. There is no difference between the circuit in the TS7 and the circuit in the TS9, and there is a $60 difference in price - that's right, a 150% markup over the perfectly sufficient TS7.

Andy very well may use the OD820, which I am not nearly as familiar with, but you can check out the clips he has on his site and see if you can tell the difference.

I spent ten perfectly good minutes of a caffeine buzz writing a page on the Tube Screamer pedals just a few threads away, so make good bloody use of it and ask questions there so whoever gets around to compiling a TS FAQ has fewer places to look.

Christ on a carousel, who murdered the fucking search button?

There is precisely a twenty cent difference between the TS9 and the TS808, or between the OD9 and the OD808 or the BDSM9 and GLBQ808 or whatever the fuck you're buying and trying to figure out. You're not going to be able to tell the difference, and if you don't believe me I will personally shoot up some pictures and send you a bloody diagram that'll let you go between the two at the flick of a switch. There is no difference between the circuit in the TS7 and the circuit in the TS9, and there is a $60 difference in price - that's right, a 150% markup over the perfectly sufficient TS7.

Andy very well may use the OD820, which I am not nearly as familiar with, but you can check out the clips he has on his site and see if you can tell the difference.

I spent ten perfectly good minutes of a caffeine buzz writing a page on the Tube Screamer pedals just a few threads away, so make good bloody use of it and ask questions there so whoever gets around to compiling a TS FAQ has fewer places to look.


I have seen enough of these stupid overdrive questions..
Nothing personal against people who want to know something, but... goddamn, I'm going to start thinking I'm insane if I keep thinking I've answered these questions twenty times over this year and people need to keep asking.

I just picked up a Maxon OD808 this month. :notworthy It is great. I use it to drive the front end of my 6505 head, Marshall Cab (gt12 75's) and it was exactly what I wanted. :kickass: