May be a dumb question Dev guitar virtuoso?

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
Gene Hoglan said when dev is at his best, he's one of the best shredders in the world.

Steve vai also said that dev's guitar playing was incredible...

Jason Newsted said Dev was the best guitarist he's ever seen/played with...

Dev has an instructional video out there somewhere...anyone have it?
he is a virtuoso for sure!

if you listen carefully to his guitar work (i mean solos) in TERRIA it is really amazing.

expecially in sweep picking and in tapping combined!

there are damn difficult parts!:eek:

my friend is going to see STEVE VAI live diring the SEX & RELIGION tour and tell me that DEVIN is also better then STEVE VAI himself!

they infact tell me about really monster sweeps!:o


p.s. no i think there is no instructional video for dev:erk:
"""my friend is going to see STEVE VAI live diring the SEX & RELIGION tour and tell me that DEVIN is also better then STEVE VAI himself! """"

yeah.. i will be seeing the steve vai 'sex and religion show' myself.. i will let you know.. .... ... lmao.
As the FAQ mentions, there is a guitar instructional video. It might have only gotten Japanese release if that. Dev thought it was too cheesy to see the light of day and bloocked it where he could.
at this point , to compare with such guitarists as steve vai , joe satriani and john petrucci i would say guitar virtuoso maybe not. the solos on terria are as Devy said "randomly played" but hearing what he "randomly" playing on terria , this is very great. remember that this is not intended to impress either as "guitar albums" must do and terria is more axed on the composition of the songs (obviously) but if devin starts to apply himself to compose
solos in songs to "show what hes made of" we could be surprised.
I don't think Devin as a virtuoso. Guitar virtuoso is inside musicians brains, -those are mostly the people who do music only to show their talent. Guitar virtuoso has somehow a bad sound to myself.
Devin is an extremely talented shredder, but luckily his playing serves his music, not the other way round.
to be a virtuoso is not negative approach at all:)

i think that if someone feel better to express himself with a lot of shredding it's good :D

i personally sometimes play in a virtuoso way(i have not a great technique but i feel this way)but not for"look at me i'm the best":cool: stuffs!

however if you consider classical music is full of virtuoso player.
thinking of Listz or Paganini.

i personally enjoy virtuoso players like:
early Malmsteen,Buckethead(my fav guitarist),The Great Kat(underrated!),Vinnie Moore and John Mc Laughlin.:)

so if one time Dev decide to play virtuoso i think that i like that way:spin: