...maybe a stupid ?...about multiple session adjustments. i.e. global editing


Oct 31, 2005
Ok, first off I never went to school or was taught anything about recording. Everything i've learned is by trial and error, or off this forum! So I hope this doesn't sound too noobish.

Right now I'm running Reaper. AWESOME program compared to Audition that I was using.....

Anyways, say you got a project that is 4 songs. Usually I track them as four different session files. I have to manipulate them one at a time..... and write everything down that I do to each track, so that I make them all the same from song to song (session to session if you will).

Now my question is... is there an easier way to do this? Applying settings, FXs, etc. to all songs and sessions? Without having to manually write it all down on paper and open each session up one at a time to make adjustments to each song's tracks? Global editing or something?:oops:

thx guys!
I will usually use a seperate project file for each song, doing any edits, etc within those original files, but when I start to mix and apply effects - I'll get one track really happening and then I'll save it as a template. Then I'll load the audio clips from each file into that template with a simple cut and paste to create new project files.

There may be an even easier way, but that works well for me.
It would be cool if pro tools would let you split a session file into multiple session files with markers or something. That way you can track all your songs in one session, do your edits, get your mix balanced, drum replacement, etc. Then split the songs into individual session files so it will keep the tracks with all the plugins. Then you could go and do the song specific effects and automation on the individual session files and finish your mix there.

Does any recording software do something like this?
OR get an HD system and your good to go. heh

import session data = tits

yeah thats it.....I wish Reaper had something like that. An import settings or something like that. Something fast and easy!

I thought about doing one long session.....but I just wonder if it would be a hog on processing? That or if a punch or something later on would mess up all the takes. I would like it to be fool proof above all. Like I said, something fast and easy!
yeah thats it.....I wish Reaper had something like that. An import settings or something like that. Something fast and easy!

I thought about doing one long session.....but I just wonder if it would be a hog on processing? That or if a punch or something later on would mess up all the takes. I would like it to be fool proof above all. Like I said, something fast and easy!

Does Reaper have something similiar that Cubase has? Open the mixer, choose your channel, say kickdrum, right click, choose "Save Selected Channels". If you use _exactly_ the same setup on all the songs (same order, no extra channels/missing channels), choose the "Save All Mixer Settings"
you can copy and paste the effects in- you can do the whole chain in 1 go, for each channel. select the effects then right click choose copy selected effects and off ya go!
pretty sure you can save chains aswell.
ya you can save chains and setting and all that....but it takes alot of time to save everything and have to reopen and apply everytime. And if you go back and make a couple more tweaks, would would have to resave EVERY chain and setting and apply it alllll over againo_O

I just wish there was like a global edit function, where ya tell it to apply all your settings to all songs with ONE BUTTON!:saint: That would be awesome!

But, I may try the one session for multiple songs. It may be the easiest way to edit everything efficiently.