MAYH picture


Oct 18, 2004
I know that the morningrise picture was taken in Prior Park, but where was that cliff picture for MAYH taken?
bangadrian said:
there's a face in the water if you look REAL REAL hard for 48 straight hours
i'm heading this one off at the fucking pass
bawahaha! i always thought that was a ghost standing there or something. and where is prior park? man, i shouldnt have started reading this thread. sometimes knowing too much takes the fun out of everything. i hate you guys.
to this day, i still find it incredibly hard to believe that many people never noticed the person MAYH cover...until told or having read about it. i realized it the first feckin' time i looked at the cd case.
bangadrian said:
how is everybody so sure that's a power line pole? looks like a tree to me

i was just pointing out where the 'power line' supposedly is, so we didnt get a thread of retards going where is this thing lolllzlzz!!111, i agree it could well be a tree. looks a little curvy
I must admit, I did not see the cloaked woman/the face on MAYH. I thought it was cool, and was inspired to seek out hidden things in their other album covers. After looking long enough, I found that the the cloaked woman appears on another cover:
if you look hard enough, you can see a cloaked, weeping woman on the Still Life cover. Does anyone else see her?
Caesar Metallius said:
I must admit, I did not see the cloaked woman/the face on MAYH. I thought it was cool, and was inspired to seek out hidden things in their other album covers. After looking long enough, I found that the the cloaked woman appears on another cover:
if you look hard enough, you can see a cloaked, weeping woman on the Still Life cover. Does anyone else see her?


i saw the "face" and the dark cloak that appears under it. it definitely took some pointing out to see the "power lines" which are pretty visible on a HQ image of it.