Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
I'm really looking forward to this, since Attila is back, and based on the sample below, this is going to be anything but generic.

If the whole album sounds like this, I'll be wetting myself without mercy. Most of you probably won't like it becaue it isn't generic, so please reply with your usual predictable responses.*

*Disclaimer: This statement is referring mostly to people like Erik (RIP). I would include J. as somebody that would knock this album, but his tastes have no logic sometimes, so who knows what he'd think. Oh . . . and General Zod could be included in this category, but I doubt he can even be bothered to listen to something like this.:zombie: Anybody else with the typcial predictable opinion probably isn't important enough for me to mention anyway.
Listened to the album, it was better than their last few efforts, but... still falls short of the "Good" label. Gets really repetitive too.
*Disclaimer: This statement is referring mostly to people like Erik (RIP). I would include J. as somebody that would knock this album, but his tastes have no logic sometimes, so who knows what he'd think. Oh . . . and General Zod could be included in this category, but I doubt he can even be bothered to listen to something like this.:zombie: Anybody else with the typcial predictable opinion probably isn't important enough for me to mention anyway.

wow, thanks for including that.
Nate vs. Erik




bump for relevance:
Is it just the rip I have, or is the production absolutely gruesome and way too bass heavy? Unlistenable, in my opinion.

No. It is really that bad.

I had to turn my sub pretty much off to make it listenable enough to complain.

Note to Mayhem: Intentional bad production is not "Kvlt".
I'll give it a shot but Mayhem did die many years ago, nice that they try but Blasphemer != Euronymous, the horse should be buried many feet underneath the crust of the earth by now and impossible to touch.