Mayhem- Wolf's Lair abyss
Reviewed by Olof
I have always been interested in Mayhem, since they are the founders of the Black Metal genre we know today. But I have also been a little afraid of them, because of their dark past. But I had seen this CD in my local record store for a few days and decided to buy it. And holy crap this CD rules!
It is very, very fast Black Metal, with some .should I say experimental influences? Mayhem have been bashed frequently for their new sound because it is not as old school as "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" or "Deathcrush", but I really like how they look at Black Metal from a different perspective. The drumming is, to put it simple, outstanding. Hellhammer is by far the fastest drummer I have ever heard, and it is a treat for the ears. The riffs are different from other Mayhem releases, since Blasphemer handles the music writing now, but they are still very good, and I really think he is a worthy successor to Euronymous.
And thankfully, Maniac is back on vocals. I think we all can agree that Attila did a lousy job on "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas". Maniac is, however, better than ever, and he has absolutely improved since "Deathcrush".
Lyrically, I have nothing to say about this CD. Mayhem havent changed their minds much since "Pure f***ing Armageddon"; They are still preaching hate, so if you are sensitive about lyrics, you might want to stay away from this one.
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Thank you...
- James