VadimVon said:
Why don't you listen to the other three I've sent to you.
The first song was written entirely by me(and that's guitar synth on that one)
The other two were written mostly by my drummer at the time. These were done in 2001. He's also the one doing the keys on those, because he wrote those two on his keyboard, initially.
I believe that the songs you haven't listened to yet are mostly written by me.
Let's see what you think about those.
hmmmmm...ATROCIOUS? :lol:
(maybe you're still pissed at me for dissing your homeboys - hey, I never said they weren't legends:worship: , just that Euro sucked...)

Hey, I never said your band sucked or anything, I just gave you some healthy, constructive criticism! I'll listen to the other three soon enough...
Crimson Velvet said:
Hey, I never said your band sucked or anything, I just gave you some healthy, constructive criticism! I'll listen to the other three soon enough...

Post them on the forum. We'd all like to hear how much of a songwriting legend this guy is.
Stormwatch said:
Post them on the forum. We'd all like to hear how much of a songwriting legend this guy is.
Songwriting legend? I've never claimed to be anything more than what I am, and I'm certainly not a legend. Sure, post them. I hope the whole world hears my shit and tells me that I suck - that still wouldn't make you any less of a fucking asshole that you are.
Witchburner said:
Does anyone know if " De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" and "Deathcrush" are the ONLY decent Mayhem albums? I've just heard that none of the albums without Dead and Euronymous are any good.
I personally dislike Mayhem's albums after "De Mysteriis", but it's a matter of tastes. Another person could like them.
Fredy_Brown said:
Maniac is very intelligent - look at lyrics.

"Chainsaw Gutsfuck" from the album Deathcrush

Bleed down to the fucking core
You're going down for fucking more
Screw your slimy guts
Driving me fucking nuts!

Chainsaw in my bleeding hands
As I start to cut you in two
Your guts are steaming out
And I just love the sight!

Maggots crawling in her cunt
I just love to lick that shit
Bury you in a slimy grave
You will rot forever there! consider that intelligent? :err:
Jake5 said:
"Chainsaw Gutsfuck" from the album Deathcrush

Bleed down to the fucking core
You're going down for fucking more
Screw your slimy guts
Driving me fucking nuts!

Chainsaw in my bleeding hands
As I start to cut you in two
Your guts are steaming out
And I just love the sight!

Maggots crawling in her cunt
I just love to lick that shit
Bury you in a slimy grave
You will rot forever there! consider that intelligent? :err:
I consider GDOW intelligent. Every BM band has silly lyrics, dude ;)
Maniac is an idiot. I heard some of the band members actually kicked his ass.