McCain: such a great choice for the US of A!

Seriosely guise... Josh hates Amurickah

I don't "hate" America, I just think it's government have made many, many, many bad decisions, especially involving foreign "policy" (I say "policy" because personally I don't think "They have Oil and aren't Christians! Lets invade!" as policy.
I'm sure if we said something about your wife and your cats you might get a little mad :p

:lol: why? And what's the deal with the cats? I'm actually more of a dog person, even though I like cats as well. I'm actually about to have two yellow labs mate so I can finally have a yellow lab puppy I've always wanted.

And why would I get mad if someone said something about Annalisa? What, that she's got big tits? That'd be more of a compliment, hehe.

She even took Warrel around to find some grappa a few years ago when they came through. Back when he drank, of course.
I don't "hate" America, I just think it's government have made many, many, many bad decisions, especially involving foreign "policy" (I say "policy" because personally I don't think "They have Oil and aren't Christians! Lets invade!" as policy.

Sound logic. Why were you even debating with me? We're the same.
The best part of it all, if that McCain is obviously proved again and again what a hypocrate he really is,

McCain has had the same views for the past 7 years but, everybody keeps on saying that he's a hypocrite and most of it is because he no longer supports bush but, that's because bush's first term opinions and second term opinions are ridiculously different.

oh, and if anyone is a hypocrite in this election, it's obama. i'm too lazy to get deeply into it so i'll just state the main view he changed... during the primaries, he said that when he got into office, he was going to pull out of iraq almost immediately. now he's saying he'll keep us there till around 2012
oh, and if anyone is a hypocrite in this election, it's obama. i'm too lazy to get deeply into it so i'll just state the main view he changed... during the primaries, he said that when he got into office, he was going to pull out of iraq almost immediately. now he's saying he'll keep us there till around 2012

That's better than 100 years in Iraq.
McCain has had the same views for the past 7 years but, everybody keeps on saying that he's a hypocrite and most of it is because he no longer supports bush but, that's because bush's first term opinions and second term opinions are ridiculously different.

oh, and if anyone is a hypocrite in this election, it's obama. i'm too lazy to get deeply into it so i'll just state the main view he changed... during the primaries, he said that when he got into office, he was going to pull out of iraq almost immediately. now he's saying he'll keep us there till around 2012

McCain's an ass, and an old nearly dead one at that. I'd almost have no problem with him winning, for another 4 years of some old Republican guy fucking you is hardly much of a change from the past 25 FUCKING YEARS, but the idea that Sarah Palin would assume the Presidency if he died - come off it.
Oh and at least Obama is actually planning to pull the troops out. Not just send them to Iran instead.
I don't "hate" America, I just think it's government have made many, many, many bad decisions, especially involving foreign "policy" (I say "policy" because personally I don't think "They have Oil and aren't Christians! Lets invade!" as policy.
Tony Blair was not a saint either, your country's hands aren't clean. And if you think "They have Oil and aren't Christians! Lets invade!" is why they're in this debaucle, you need to enlighten yourself a bit more. It was a lie, and the motivation behind it is clear as day, how you can think anything otherwise is foolhardy.

She even took Warrel around to find some grappa a few years ago when they came through. Back when he drank, of course.
Warrel banged your wife? :o
McCain has had the same views for the past 7 years but, everybody keeps on saying that he's a hypocrite and most of it is because he no longer supports bush but, that's because bush's first term opinions and second term opinions are ridiculously different.

oh, and if anyone is a hypocrite in this election, it's obama. i'm too lazy to get deeply into it so i'll just state the main view he changed... during the primaries, he said that when he got into office, he was going to pull out of iraq almost immediately. now he's saying he'll keep us there till around 2012

SHUT. THE. HELL. UP. Obama never said that, first of all, SHOW ME SOME QUOTES... honestly...

:lol: If I have to multiquote all the shit you said in the other political thread I swear to god I'll bribe Nick and get your ass banned XD
Yeah, but now all the dumb housewives are going to go vote for Palin, and probably yell "You Go Girl!!!!" as they punch their ballot.

But also, all of the dumb black people are going to go vote for Obama, and probably yell "Fuck Whitey!!!" in a similar manner. Except Palin is really, really stupid.
Iraq's a done's practically over by now. Just cleaning up the mess of the last five years.

The prospect of going into Iran absolutely terrifies me because it's a question of mutually assured destruction. The Iranians will be wiped off the face of the planet by the US armed forces, but the aftermath will be Hell on earth.