

I picked up the MD.45 disc on the net. It arrived today, I figured for $2.00
why the hel not?! Also for the fact that this version(the original) is getting pulled from the shelves. I had heard the record before, back when it was released. I remember my friend that owns a record store got 'em in stock &
I didn't buy it, but a guy that I know happen to stop by to pick it up. He cracked it open & my friend played it. I remember it was one of the most awful things I had ever heard in my life! That was in '96. I can't say that I feel much different about the thing now. After giveing it a couple of spins, it's fair at best. The songs have tons of potential. Lee Ving's vocals ruin any potential there was for a mediocre song... I am curious about the remaster with Dave handling the vocals, because that's what should have happened to begin with...
Why Lee Ving did this album with Dave M is beyond me. What was the conection between these 2 guys?

If you've never heard FEAR's "The Record" do yourself a favor and track it down... one of the best punk albums ever! In my opinion anyways. :) Lee Ving was great in FEAR, Md 45 was a waste of his time.
I haven't heard that one yet, but it's on my list. I mean anyhting is better than this I think? Greeno, I'm not a fan of this punk/hard core type stuff, maybe that's why Lee's vocals are a huge turn off.
Thanks for the recommendation though. I still might pick that FEAR disc, I have been wrong before.
Sorry to strongly disagree with you Sixx. I remember I bought the album when it came out, actually nobody here knew about it (I bet I was the only metalhead in the country with the album :lol: ) and I bought it blindly. I put the album and the first song hook me up immediately, so the second, the rest took me a couple of more spins, and up to this day I love it. Is very punkish, and I do like Ving's vocals, actually to me the project make sense with those four guys, the re-record with Dave's vocals makes no sense to me (unless I'm from the Church of Mustaine :p ). When Ving sing s stuff like remember Ozzy & Harriet, remember The Stepfgord Wives, remember I Love Lucy!!!, or Talahahahasee, or I'm the roadman, he does it with a lot of passion and force. Damn actually I'm going to hear it right now.