me as Hell Boooooooy


Hail Satan!
yeah here are some pics of me at my halloween party last night. that fucking glove took forever to make but turned out pretty badass. I never buy costumes. It's so much more badass to make them. plus it turned out realy well i think. My Girlie is Alice from Resident Evil (we're movie nerds)

P.S. yes BPRD patch is on wrong side. Girlies mom (photo 3) sewed it on for me. I'm very greatful despite the slight mistake.
Nice! Looks good. How'd you make the glove?

The muzak in my store this week has played the theme from Halloween, The Exorcist, Poltergeist, and others...
it's mostly foam and spray adhesive and duct tape. oh and red spray paint. the horns where styrofoam cones that i broke in half and spraypainted red and ductaped to my forhead and i went to a costume shop and bought some realy badass body paint. heheh i try to use that trenchcoat in my costume every year. last year i was Roland Deschain. I was going for the look on the cover of the most recent DT I book reprint. I put a bandage on my hand and made fake blood (liquid soap red food coloring and cocoa powder) for his missing fingers. some mom who was trick or treating with her kid asked me if my hand was ok. it was classic.
everyone should post pics of thier costumes it'll be festive

thanks for the compliments!