Me singing another song... Under a glass moon / DT

Not bad at all. You've got a lot of potential with your voice. Just (IMO) get a little more power in the voice, and work on making your vibrato stronger/more pronounced. Seriously, great voice...especially for this. You've got some Labrie-esque qualities at times. I know he's not the most popular singer around here, but I LIKE his voice. Nice work!
thanks for listening. As always their is room for improvement but i don't want to belt out the notes more then i do, and belive me i don't sit quietly and humm when i record haha :)
but i got almost full control off my voice and off course i can drive my voice a little bit more but then again for this song i like it to be a bit more clean. And for the vibrato, i can do more vibrato but i don't know if i like to.
James voice on the original recording is just perfect. the phrasing is 100% spot on. He got quite allot of vibrato going on if you listen carefully, but nowdays its to much and his voice vobbles (if you understand) , its like he is vibrating on a freakin whole tone step haha, sounds awful. And he has also lost the natural compression which is necessary to sing really high.

Thanks for lisntening!!!