i had the most awesomest dream last night, and it kept going and going too.. it was a little scary because it had a weird plotline partly derived from 'the ring' and from vampire movies. anyway, its too complicated and fuzzy to explain in good detail but it was this good vs. evil thing, and basically in this world there are good and evil beings that are working at converting the masses. or, more accurately, the evils are converting the normals, and then the goods try to kill them off. the coverting to evil process was pretty weird... we got this weird evil tree and it made us kill eachother. for a change, i got to be kicking ass in my dream and not the other way around. i managed to come through the ordeal as a good superbeing and chill with the other good ones. we were sexy as fuck (like vampires) and chilled underwater in this cool realm. towards the end the evils were seriously outnumbering us, and since i was newly converted, one of my peers was explaining to me how it goes like that... the balance keeps shifting, but sometimes they are like yankee fans and you just cant stop them. this makes so little sense, but it ruled.