Medal of Honor Soundtrack = Seabiscuit trailer soundtrack?


Hail Satan!
I dunno how many of you are MOHAA fans but I got the deluxe MOHAA that comes with the soundtrack and I swear the music is the same in said trailer. well not the same exactly but there is a theme that runs through alot of the MOHAA soundtrack and it was in the seabiscuit trailer. If you go see pirates of the caribbean you'll hear it. I looked at imdb to see who the composer was for seabiscuit and it's not the same guy so I dunno what its all about. but I did think it was interesting.
Oh.....I don't have the PC game.... But I did beat Metal of Honor: Frontline on the Xbox just a few days ago.
That game rules!
the pc version is pretty awesome. they're making another one thats gonna come out in october it starts at pearlharbor and tours the pacific theater I think it's called rising sun for the consoles and pacific assault for the pc. it will rule all! stephen spielberg created Medal of Honor thats why it rules so much. plus the Omaha Beach invasion level is almost straight from Saving Private Ryan so you can tell he influenced it alot.
It could be. The music for movies is usually the last thing done. Trailers will be done and be circulated before the score is done. So the studio will sometimes use other music frome previous movies for the trailers of new movies. I think one movie a year uses the Trevor Jones score from Last of the Mohicans to premote their movie.

Also a bit of trivia. Do you know why movie previews are called trailers when they come at the beginning of the movie?
I saw a trailer for Seabiscuit on TV last night and the music was the from the movie "Rudy", for all you sports fans out there. I've never heard MOHAA soundtrack at all, so I don't know if it was the same as that.
the music from allied assault is different from frontline. I dunno I have to listen to the trailer more though because there are a few notes that are different.
I have too much time on my hands. and it's in the third trailer on the seabiscuit website. The one they showed before pirates of the carribean.