Medal of Honour Beta Codes

Just want to say , EA is the gayest company of all. I downloaded the beta and when I go to play online it says Network Error: You must be a first hand owner of Bad Company 2 to use this Beta
I signed in, but i cant seem to find a way to get a key pronto, looks like theyve limited it all for now. JayB, looks like you're getting that error because you're not allowed to play the Beta til 21st.
Yeah, you need Bad Company 2(Since it uses the same engine.).
Steam news said something like "pre-purchase MOH and play the beta" with the notification that you need BC2 in the fine print.
My code works now too ! Thanks Morgan ! THIS GAME IS BADASS! Better than MW2 , yes I said it ! I love how the levels are tailored for jumping around and covering , it plays really fast and I love the arcadey chaining and kill assist point systems they threw in
Kind of off-topic, but does anyone know if Medal Of Honor will use dedicated servers or those host match making bullshit? Because if there´s no dedicated server I won´t even bother.

The multiplayer is based on the same platform as Bad Company 2, so the same as BC2 i guess.
(Which i dont know or care how it works. ;X)