Media Bullshit and stuff...


Jul 17, 2001
Let me ask you something. Is anyone else sick of this anthrax/we're all going to die bullshit? I mean people got infected by anthrax last year too, but nobody paid any attention to it then. These days, on the other hand, those dick heads at CNN decided that America isn't quite scared enough by what has happened, so they figured why not scare our fine nation a little more. Maybe even to the point where everybody will be afraid to open their mail, and the senate will be evacuated because of suspiciously looking parmesan cheese.
And another thing. I am sick of this fake patriotism that seems to be more infectious than the anthrax. Two months ago these same patriots were bitching at every little thing that their beloved country did, and now they are all in a contest of who has more flags hanging from their cars, homes and god knows what else. I am not from US originally, but I am more capable of appreciating what this country has to offer than these jerk offs. If I were a terrorist I would lace all of them little flags with anthrax; screw the water supply.
What else?... Oh yeah. I just found about this recently; apparently the US will stop the bombing for the duration of some islamic holiday that is coming up some time soon. This is beyond my comprehension. No wonder those people don't take us seriously. If I were in charge I would bomb them during the holiday more than before. Since it is a religious holiday what better gift can we give them than a chance to meet with allah sooner than they hoped. They all believe in after-life, so I don't see a reason why they should complain. You want Jihad? Here's your fucking Jihad... and say hi to allah for me.
I also heard that they were burning the food that was being air dropped. There is a very nice clue to our officials. THEY ARE NOT HUNGRY! And even if they were I wouldn't feed them. Fuck you Mohamed. If allah doesn't want to feed you what makes you think that Uncle Sam wants to. I know there were other things too, but I gotta go take a shit and I don't know if I'll be in a mood to continue once I'm done, so that's all folks.
I agree, I am tired of the melodrama crap that is present on corporate news presentations to feed the American public. This similar to the same shit that goes on during a high profile criminal court case, like what happened with OJ Simpson. Everything has to be a media event, for fucking sake they were going over bombing strategies using animations the same way a sports announcer would show football plays to the audience.

As far as the country goes, fuck'em. These people ARENT people like you and me. They have people in the streets burning flags and food. They actually turn out in droves and cheer on bloodshed of America and other countries. I don't know another part of the world where people act this way. It's sick and human rights need to go right out the window with this one. Nuke them, just wipe them all off the face of the planet. They are a hazard to every man, woman, and child on this planet!
Originally posted by Human Life
As far as the country goes, fuck'em. These people ARENT people like you and me. They have people in the streets burning flags and food. They actually turn out in droves and cheer on bloodshed of America and other countries. I don't know another part of the world where people act this way. It's sick and human rights need to go right out the window with this one. Nuke them, just wipe them all off the face of the planet. They are a hazard to every man, woman, and child on this planet!

Aren't you cheering on the bloodshed of the Afgans? Apparently people do it everywhere. You are letting your bloodlust blind you, just as they let their religion and their leaders' bloodlust blind them. And here in America, we praise freedom of speech. You may be disgusted at what they have to say, but the people who you see praising the bombings are only praising it, not actually doing it. The point is, just as they are making assumptions and generalizing about you, so you are doing the same to them. Try to see past the prejudice and rise above this hypocrisy you preach.
Originally posted by TyrantOfFlames

Aren't you cheering on the bloodshed of the Afgans? Apparently people do it everywhere. You are letting your bloodlust blind you, just as they let their religion and their leaders' bloodlust blind them. And here in America, we praise freedom of speech. You may be disgusted at what they have to say, but the people who you see praising the bombings are only praising it, not actually doing it. The point is, just as they are making assumptions and generalizing about you, so you are doing the same to them. Try to see past the prejudice and rise above this hypocrisy you preach.

Yeah, but he is from Central Florida of United States of Arrogance as his location indicates. Cut him/her some slack won't you?

theres a difference between these two things fool

1 - Being satisfied that the country is bombing afgan so the bullshit can stop in the middle east and with terrorism

2- Cheering in the streets, burning flags, and burning supplies sent to HELP, when some innocent people got killed becuase some jealous, moronic, insane terrorists can't comprehend right from wrong.

if you cant see the difference between those things then you are a pure idiot

ALSO, i doubt there are any americans going out into the street and dancing like fools. And if they are, they are pretty much stupid fools, but as i said, nobody is dancing and burning flags.

i mean, im sure you've hated someone, and when something bad happens to them you think that its good.... thers a difference between verbal and physical actions
Everyone is so damn afraid of bombings and nervegas geez. At my school these kids filled a backpack with notebook paper and were hitting people with it in the hallways. Then when they were done with it they just dropped it on the ground in a hallway. Then someone filled a 20 oz. pepsi bottle with notbook paper and put a sticky note on it that said "bomb" and put it inside the backpack. They evacuated the school and had the bombsquad come in. Now keep in mind this is a backpack filled with NOTEBOOK PAPER AND A STICKYNOTE ON IT, they attached a rope to it and pulled it out of the school, put it in a container and took it outside the county in the middle of nowhere and then found out it wasn't a bomb (DUH!). If they think terrorists are going to attack Hicksville school in Jackonville, Florida then they are underestimating them. If they think terrorists are going to place the bomb in the middle of a hallway and put a stickynote on it giving the bomb away, they are fucking morons. I would have volunteered to do the bombsquads job and reach my hand into the thing and pull the notebook paper out, that's how sure I was it wasn't a bomb.
I have a philosophy, "It doesnt matter what you do to achieve a perfect world, it matters what you do once you have it". If America ruled the world there wouldnt be rampant state sponsered murder, rape, oppression, and theft. Just take a look at how they live, tell me they dont deserve to be wiped out? Just remember, the Nazis acted from Hitler. The people of Germany didnt actually support the actions of their government. We are talking about religious zealotry here, both the leaders and the citizens want us dead. They have schools teaching their kids how to kill Americans for satans sake! >;)
Hmm, you boys certainly seem to feel justified in killing more innocent people... after all, they are different. For that particular offense the use of nuclear weapons is merited. As we all know that Uncle Sam can perpetrate no wrong, whatever the US government does they should be irreproachable.

YEAH! Let's finish the job that them folks running the crusades just didn't have the guillionies (sp?) to do.
I didn't say anything about nuclear weapons. I just think that this shouldn't be treated differently than any other war, and it is often a good practice not to feed your enemy. The US used to feed the same people when the Soviets were attacking them, and look how they repaid our gratitude. So I say let them starve. Not because they are different but because we are at war, and there is no such a thing as good sportsmanship when it comes to war.
The fact that we are feeding their civilians does not change the fact that we are bombing them as well, and I think that our reasons for bombing are very strong, and therefore we do not need the humanitarian bullshit to win over the public support.
Recall what happened in Vietnam. US was feeding people left and right until she got fucked by north AND south, nine ways from sunday.
the god damn bombing and attacking is for a reason, if anyone can't comprehend this, then they are a fool.

nobody on this message board, or anybody that isnt a government official, or a professional, can make a comment because they obviously dont know shit if they arent congressmen.... people have a problem , go run for office and do something about it or shutup
Originally posted by Mikael is God
theres a difference between these two things fool

1 - Being satisfied that the country is bombing afgan so the bullshit can stop in the middle east and with terrorism

2- Cheering in the streets, burning flags, and burning supplies sent to HELP, when some innocent people got killed becuase some jealous, moronic, insane terrorists can't comprehend right from wrong.

if you cant see the difference between those things then you are a pure idiot

You're right...there is a big difference between those two things, there is also a big difference between these:

Originally posted by Mikael is God
Being satisfied that the country is bombing afgan so the bullshit can stop in the middle east and with terrorism


Originally posted by Human Life
Nuke them, just wipe them all off the face of the planet. They are a hazard to every man, woman, and child on this planet!

Don't you think?

I didn't say that American shouldn't get her revenge. I said that people like Human life are letting their emotions blind them into a desire for utterly irrational actions such as nuking. Who knows where the nuking would stop if it did start? Certainly other Muslim nations (particularly the ones capable of nuclear warfare) would take offense to it and return the favor. Try to understand what a person is saying before you respond.

Originally posted by Oyo
If they think terrorists are going to attack Hicksville school in Jackonville, Florida then they are underestimating them. If they think terrorists are going to place the bomb in the middle of a hallway and put a stickynote on it giving the bomb away, they are fucking morons.

I don't think it's specifically Al Qaida terrorists they are worried about. There are alot of sympathizers out there that might be willing to do smaller scale damage to the U.S. They could easily be dumb enough to write "bomb" all over their weapon.

Originally posted by Mikael is God
nobody on this message board, or anybody that isnt a government official, or a professional, can make a comment because they obviously dont know shit if they arent congressmen.... people have a problem , go run for office and do something about it or shutup

The senators don't have the whole story, nor do the Taliban. The fact is that no one is the perfectly informed, perfectly objective authority. Also you are trying to eradicate our ability to criticize the government...most people call that a monarchy. Basically, each of us is allowed an opinion based on what we know of the situation. That opinion is (ideally) subject to change when more facts are discovered. Because not everyone can know everything, anyone's opinion is acceptible to an extent, because even if it is imperfect, so is yours. This is a message board on which we discuss our opinions and ideas. If we can no longer discuss our opinions and ideas because we aren't perfectly informed, then there is nothingto talk about. Aside from that, you contradict yourself just by having, and expressing, an opinion on the matter. Practice what you preach, friend.
Originally posted by Mikael is God
im giving my opinion on your opinion, BOOYA

An opinion rather representative of your intellectual capacity. When you run out of thoughts you call others to shut up, how smart is that? Please, look yourself in the mirror and ask: "am I this stupid?"

If you have something to say, please do it. But first take a moment to think your thoughts clear.

And of course they have a reason to do what they are doing - just like nazis had their reasons to do what they were doing. It was people like you who elected Hitler to lead them in Germany in 1930's.

Ok, I'm trying to keep out of all of these Afghan debates as I've been through it all before and it gets nowhere. So what I'm actually here to say, is - Mikael os God (don't take offence) but this is your Opinion. It is not right, and it is not wrong. You have the right to believe it, but other people have the rights to believe theirs and stand up for them without being called fools. That is extremely immature, and I think Tyrant of Flames was just debating with you, showing you what he sees as flaws in your opinion. So in future, just try and be less hostile.
Doesn't anyone pay attention to the news? We are not at war with Afghanistan. We are at war with terrorism. Afghanistan just happens to be the place where the war started. We are not at war with Afghans, we are at war with bin Laden and the Taliban regime. Remember, bin Laden is Saudi Arabian, and we're not bombing them, are we? Bin Laden's right hand man is Egyptian: are we bombing Cairo? Nationality has nothing to do with it. The theory behind dropping food and bombing at the same time is sound because we are bombing Taliban MILITARY targets, and dropping food in areas that have been in drought for the past 3 years and the people have nothing to eat.

I'm not even Muslim, and I took offense to the "go meet Allah" and "Fuck Mohammed" lines. You guys are idiots. 99% of Muslims don't agree with terroristic doctrines. The terrorists are nut jobs who have a twisted interpretation of the Koran, and who believe that they are on a crusade to rid the world of "dirty Infidels"(ie. anyone who is not Muslim). Let us not forget the Christian Crusades of the middle ages. The Christians were the terrorists in those days, razing cities, raping women, killing children, because they had a twisted view of their religion. The Knights Templar were no different than the terrorists who strap bombs to themselves and blow up sidewalk cafes. They both killed innocent people in the name of their respective Gods. What I'm getting at is that there are 2 sides to every story, and those who form opinions having heard only 1 of those sides are fools.

And about this Anthrax bullcrap, 2 months ago, if someone saw some white powder somewhere they would have just cleaned it up and not thought anything else about it. People are stupid.
Originally posted by Demonic_Figure
Doesn't anyone pay attention to the news? We are not at war with Afghanistan. We are at war with terrorism. Afghanistan just happens to be the place where the war started.

I guess that's what people like you and George Bush tell yourselves so you can sleep at night. Just yesterday they happened to show footage of Afghani children that were all bandaged up after being severly wounded during the attacks. They were in a hospital that looked like it the technological sofistication of a WW1 era military hospital.
Another battle won in the war on terrorism, huh?

Dropping a 10 cent packet of peanut butter in the middle of a minefield will certainly recompense the damage caused by a 10 million dollar rocket that destroys an Afghani village. We all know that with new technology bombs can read people hearts and minds, damaging discriminately against the perpetrators of evil alone.

The war didn't just 'happen to start in Afghanistan.' Regardless of the fact that this is not even the country where it started, and that the majority of the population had nothing to do with its beginnings, there was nothing happenstance about the way this war started. The world is currently witnessing the American government and military flex it's muscles in one of the pettiest and most misdirected displays of revenge taking in modern history.
The fact that the meager jestures the allied side has made along the lines of humanitarian aid are enough to satisfy the American public is shocking.
Originally posted by luke
I guess that's what people like you and George Bush tell yourselves so you can sleep at night. Just yesterday they happened to show footage of Afghani children that were all bandaged up after being severly wounded during the attacks. They were in a hospital that looked like it the technological sofistication of a WW1 era military hospital.
Another battle won in the war on terrorism, huh?
oh jesus, luke, a whopping total of FOURTEEN afghani civillians have been killed. they obviously aren't the target, and of course a few innocent people will be killed if they're living right next door to a military camp. not quite enough to make me write to my congressman.

Originally posted by luke
Dropping a 10 cent packet of peanut butter in the middle of a minefield will certainly recompense the damage caused by a 10 million dollar rocket that destroys an Afghani village. We all know that with new technology bombs can read people hearts and minds, damaging discriminately against the perpetrators of evil alone.
if the U.S. wasn't dropping food and sending humanitarian workers, you'd be even more pissed.