How will this stuff end?


Junior Member
May 29, 2001
London, England
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ok, ive tried to stay out of the war posts on the board, but now im compelled to write this. how will this trouble end? what will killing bin laden do? there will still be attacks if he is dead. their will still be suicide bombers, anthrax spreaders etc. i cant see how this all will end. even if they anounce theyve had enough and declare peace, people will still start bombing again, as they will only stop when Alah tells them too or whatever. i dunno, any ideas?
I didn't want to write anything about it, too. Oh well...another opinion, another asshole.

Mr. Bin Ladin's mouth creates much rubbish, but he often mentions two main reasons for his/the Islamic fundamentalists' hatred for the USA.
1. The, to put it bluntly, ignorant policy regarding the Palestine-Israel-conflict.
2. He claims that foreign (especially American) troops stain holy ground in Saudi Arabia, for example.

I don't know what should be done about the latter, as the US deploys forces wherever they might be needed to win a 'war' or fight for financial aims of some mighty oil imperium without caring for divergent points of view - let alone pissed religious lunatics. This mentality won't be changed shortly.
But normally it shouldn't be a great deal to show more interest and (at least) revive peace negotiations in Israel. Solely supporting Israel and covering attacks against Palestine villages shows the US in a bad light from a Muslim's view. I guess it's too popular to look for the bad guys instead of causes.
However, the role of the UN in this context is more than just pathetic. What a teethless organ...ok, one post about this topic is already more than enough, feel free to ignore.
Originally posted by _Transparent_
ok, ive tried to stay out of the war posts on the board, but now im compelled to write this. how will this trouble end? what will killing bin laden do? there will still be attacks if he is dead. their will still be suicide bombers, anthrax spreaders etc. i cant see how this all will end. even if they anounce theyve had enough and declare peace, people will still start bombing again, as they will only stop when Alah tells them too or whatever. i dunno, any ideas?

I have a dire feeling things will only escalate and worsen. There's too much tension and the cause of this tension seems as permanent as human beings are ignoble.

Maybe this is ridiculous but worst-case scenario is if or when things do get worse in the united states, when terrorists actions are happening all over the place, when nuclear power plants are threatend by upheaval and people weary from their own paranoia and the threat of bio-terrorism, I fear the us will be forced to place arab muslims in internment camps.

History will repeat itself. Iraq will join in. A few years later, pakistan will about-face on the USA stage coup against the present leaders and enter war. Usama will have acquired nuclear arms. The world will at last be embroiled in a nuclear holocaust, and attrocities of the worst kind committed on all sides will occur.


the flip side is, osama will be captured, and things will subside to what they were when people just wanted to live and be as happy as they could be. Israeli's and Palestinians will continue to bicker but, as before, will attempt to negotiate some kind of truce- they will fail but try again. The problems in the middle east will remain problems in the middle east. A new 100+ storie (sp?) building will be erected where the WTC stood. And people will cry and remember.....and then the rest of us will forget and lapse into our former habits of frivolity- fixating on what Jennifer Lopez wore at the party that 99% of the people who fixate on such things will never be priveledged enough to atttend. American Flags will continue to waver, anthems will be sung. Americans will be decadently happy as war, pestilence and hell continue to rage in two-thirds of the rest of the world.

The End.

(just babbling)
No shit, Trapped?! Wow. So, get this...

I come in to work this morning, and my supervisor is sitting at her desk all bugged out. She's like, "Shut the door, I need to talk to you." I'm thinking, "OK, I did something wrong and she's got a problem with it." Then she's like, "Remember that rash I told you I had on my back? Well, it didn't clear up so I went to the doctors the other day to have it looked at. They said they had never seen anything like it. They closed down the hospital and called disease control centers and had me wait there until a specialist got there."

Anyways, they gave her a prescription for Anthrax as a precaution, and she has to wait 72 hours to get the results of her tests. She went home. I came online to "brush up" on my knowledge of Anthrax.
Originally posted by Opet
Anyways, they gave her a prescription for Anthrax as a precaution, and she has to wait 72 hours to get the results of her tests. She went home. I came online to "brush up" on my knowledge of Anthrax.

Yeah, we've had lots of scares here as well! I think people are getting a bit too worked up over this really.
Until the entire human race is wiped out, and a new one begun, none of this will ever really end. Not that any "being" can live in peace with others anyways.

As smart as we humans think we are, we will always engage in battles - some big, some small. And these battles will always draw lines in the sand, thus waging battles to the end of time.

There - that's my pessimistic view of this world.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Until the entire human race is wiped out,

yeah, for ages ive said that the only solution is to kill everyone. then start a fresh, like people do with their lives, by moving for example. i would sacrafice myself for this sort of experiment, not that it will do much, but id do it anyway.
Originally posted by _Transparent_
yeah, for ages ive said that the only solution is to kill everyone. then start a fresh, like people do with their lives, by moving for example. i would sacrafice myself for this sort of experiment, not that it will do much, but id do it anyway.

Wouldn't work. Its in our nature to be like this