The 700 Club

I know Lina has made a thread about this show before. I was watching the Wonder Years and after it ended I see the 700 club pop up and decided to watch it. How can these people be so ignorant? You look at these peoples faces and you can just tell they are morons, you can see the ignorance in their eyes, like that gleam in their eyes that they are so smart and right and they are going to lay the truth down for you and you better take it. They were bragging that a Jewish person found "The Faith" after September 11th. Someone needs to tell these idiots that politics and religion shouldn't mix, ever, just what we need are these dipshits having influence over anything. "You have these Islamic people that worship this god that they think will lead them to victory, Allah, but now the west asserted it's power and showed them that this is not the case." If these people were in charge we would have modern day crusades.
When I watch people like this, I'm just amazed that they are considered "normal", functioning human beings. I firmly believe they just have a mild form of retardation. It's amazing they can function in life when they're obviously so confused.
I was channel surfing this afternoon and came across a real gem. It was these evangelists doing healings somewhere in Africa. They were all yelling and preaching, and had a guy translating into the local language. They brought people onto the stage, saying that they had been diagnosed with cancer, but jesus had healed them, and they got the person to drink water to prove it (look folks, granny can drink water, it must be the power of jesus) they had people throw away their crutches and walk again, and they even had a blind boy's vision restored.
Ahhhhhh yes, The 700 Club always good for a chuckle. The day religion became involved with politics is the same day it became even more permanently tainted :lol: .
I fucked God in the ass.:lol: :lol: :lol:

and (S)he liked it.

I remember once i was watching the 700 club and they were talking about how Cannibal Corpse was a menace to society and christianity and how they must be stopped :lol:
Jerry Fallwell blamed the homosexuals for September 11th. And the heathens. Basically anyone who isn't like him, it must have been their falt. Because of course, god speaks directly to Jerry and so he knows excactly what god wants. He wants your money.
Fuck Jerry. He's a little unimportant mouse.

The cat, now that's trouble