You won't believe this shit...


Sep 7, 2001
My friends father works for some energy agency in Florida, actually, I'll just get to the point,

Five men of middle eastern descent were stopped in a Florida airport, Immigration found detailed blue-prints of various nuclear power plants in Florida, the kind of plans people are not supposed to have (if you catch my drift). Anyway, what do you think immigration did? Yes, that is right they let the five men go! No questions, no call to the FBI (until AFTER they let the men go). Why you ask? Well let me tell you why I think they let the men go. I think these immigration workers were concerned that they would lose their jobs because they did not technically have the jurisdiction to hold these men, these people have put an entire nation at even greater risk to save their own ass(I know even if these men were detained it wouldn't have any impact on terrorism, but it is the principle at stake here). I don't care if these immigration workers have a family at home to feed, or have a car payment due. In this case you have to sacrifice.
and these are the kind of bullshit laws that the current bills going through congress are trying to change. weren't you just arguing against such an invasion of privacy and rights? :p

I really should get more in touch with the news.

I have too many precious ambitions and plans for my future. I'd hate to see these (or anyone) ruined by the advent of widespread nuclear contamination on American turf.
Originally posted by Lina
and these are the kind of bullshit laws that the current bills going through congress are trying to change. weren't you just arguing against such an invasion of privacy and rights? :p

yes, however these men were caught red-handed. I want the government out of our day to day lives, but I still think the government has one job, to protect us.

Shit, ya can't let anything surprise you anymore. That is pretty messed up...but I'm not surprised. I guess that's just one of the many things that are being "let go" lately that got out to the media. They've got major security in one place...yet they let two immigrants with plans of a power plant just walk off into the streets. That's just dumb.
I just think it's ironic that the very freedoms they hate are the same freedoms that are letting them get away with shit.

i mean, the news over here is showing pictures of a couple injured people in a hospital in afghanistan and everyone calls for halting the bombing. whereas over there, they're hearing nothing but falsehoods and exagerations about the U.S. I think the U.S. is being much too fair and politically correct in its dealings on both fronts: here and there.

oh, and i agree with you, S4R -- i was just pointing out that the current proposals aren't particularly offensive to the average American going about his business. But I said that in another thread, so I'll shut up now. :grin:
I think the U.S. is being much too fair and politically correct in its dealings on both fronts

bombing hospitals is politically correct?

sometimes i really do NOT understand you americans
you should think again on that one....
nothing personal
Originally posted by -neurotic-
bombing hospitals is politically correct?

sometimes i really do NOT understand you americans
you should think again on that one....
nothing personal
where did you get that from?! i said they're showing pictures of people in hospitals -- the people who are injured from bombings because they live right next to military training camps. sometimes "you europeans" are too quick to hate americans.
Originally posted by -neurotic-
bombing hospitals is politically correct?

When I hear about a bomb hitting a hospital and they say it was an accident I don't necessarily believe that, I think there was someone at that location they needed dead and they did it. Political correctness isn't an issue in war, only giving the perception of political correctness to the public is.

There's also the issue of the taliban placing tanks, and other weapons right next to civilian areas where people are living as a war tactic. If the US bomb the tank, they are charged with bombing a civilian area, if they don't, those idiots have a tank with which to fight back. The taliban savages win either way.

sometimes i really do NOT understand you americans
you should think again on that one....
nothing personal

It's not that they aren't thinking, it's just that the media in north america (and surely much of the america ass-kissing parts of europe) is extremely biased and censored and is intended to bend public opinion in the gov'ts favour.

No one is immune to the slants of the media in these sorts of situations, not even you or me.

Originally posted by Satori
It's not that they aren't thinking, it's just that the media in north america (and surely much of the america ass-kissing parts of europe) is extremely biased and censored and is intended to bend public opinion in the gov'ts favour.

No one is immune to the slants of the media in these sorts of situations, not even you or me.
Hey! Now I take offense, Satori! :p I would like to get some credit here as one of the Americans who actually does see past what i'm fed by the media. -Neurotic- hasn't been here long enough to know that I'm the antithesis of the average American (in my opinion and the opinion of many America-hating posters on this board). :rolleyes:
The fact is that he misunderstood what I was saying, therefore his insult is invalid.

Ok, that may have been the most immature post I've ever written. :lol:
well that shows how missinformed you are

at least 2 hospitals have been bombed one had a big red cross on the roof. it was said that that the u.s. military dropped a bomb with at least 20 tons tnt on it. some news agencies spoke of 40 people dying there.

now please think again

i think that in america you don't get the whole truth from the media, they just give you what they want you to hear. If you were living in europe you'd have another point of view. I don't say that this is the truth, just my 2 cents.

But your reaction shows how you're thinking. Everyone who says that the facts YOU got aren't true hates "americans".
I don't hate anyone, nevermind if he/she is american, afghani, chinese or austrian or russian....
Oh... that was a lie I'm hating someone... Mr. Bush and his boys. Not because he's american.... because he IS NOT telling the truth and is trying to fuck up 250 million american minds

Anyway... your military is bombing a very very very poor country, and not one bomb that has been dropped has hit a "Terrorist".
Not to mind 8 millions Afghani's hungering and fleeing from their homes at the start of a hard Winter.

sorry for the bad english, not my mother tongue
and again nothing personal, just had to say this
i'm not going to reply to this. you obviously just got to this board because everything you've written shows you know nothing about my positions on the war, the american media, bush, my job (i edit transcripts of political speeches and news programs, so i assure you that i know the latest events and can separate the lies from the truth. i'm fully aware of the red cross bombings. i was merely giving an exagerated example of how the terrorists get the benefit of the american media harping more on the deaths of afghanis than of the americans. and for even more background, i wasn't shouting for the deaths of afghanis after the wtc incident either.) but now i'm doing what i said i wasn't going to do, so let's just drop it. if you'd like to know how misplaced your accusations are, go back and read the threads on these topics. sorry, i just don't have the patience. you'll have to take my word that this has all been a misunderstanding. the end.
Originally posted by Lina
i was merely giving an exagerated example of how the terrorists get the benefit of the american media harping more on the deaths of afghanis than of the americans.
Yeah Right!!!
Lina, I think Wolff here wants you to sign up for a subscription or I right? :p I'm joking...I didn't really look past the first page there on that link. Didn’t really look past the first

I feel like some don’t “look past the first page” when it comes to understand me sometimes, judging me by things that I say that are not fully understood. Then, if they happen to not be an American, they point out that as a reason why we don't agree. Like are brains formed different and they’re a different species all together! Or the possibility that we know different information regarding the issue has nothing to do with it!

I was getting a lame feeling from people at another site that were from overseas. The word "Americans!" (in an disapproving way) was used like I’d use the words “the enemy”. Then I come back here and see someone saying "I don’t understand you Americans" when it really has nothing to do with where we’re from. It’s this written communication barrier. You can’t stop them in mid sentence and say What are you talking about? and them answer you immediately with their answer and have complete understanding. (Is complete understand possible with the words we have today?) You’re gonna go by things you see/read second hand? You’re going to make an assumption and use the separation of the continents as the final reason why you don’t understand someone? It's just so foul to use it IMO because that's OBVIOUS yet most times, it has nothing to do with it. We're separated by oceans...but we're together here because we want to be...and I'm rambling again.

Wow. How's that for a "home coming" of sorts. Sorry. The point I wanted to make about making a point got way out of hand. :err: I don't feel that way here and I know there are people from all over the world. Why the hell is that? How the hell can we all get along because of a band and not have that problem! We reason with each other and discuss ideas instead of saying we disagree because say.............there’s an ocean between us! No. Not here.

I really like this board. Really..........I do. :goggly:
Hmm...this is my opinion, chronologically with the thread:

Originally posed by Soul4Raziel
Five men of middle eastern descent were stopped in a Florida airport, Immigration found detailed blue-prints of various nuclear powerplants in Florida, the kind of plans people are not supposed to have (if you catch my drift). Anyway, what do you think immigration did?Yes, that is right they let the five men go! No questions, no call to the FBI (until AFTER they let the men go). Why you ask? Well let metell you why I think they let the men go. I think these immigration workers were concerned that they would lose their jobs because theydid not technically have the jurisdiction to hold these men, these people have put an entire nation at even greater risk to save their own ass(I know even if these men were detained it wouldn't have any impact on terrorism, but it is the principle at stake here). I don't care if these immigration workers have a family at home to feed, or have a car payment due. In this case you have to sacrifice.

Well, there is a very large difference in design and operation, between nuclear plants and nuclear bombs. Enough that they probably wouldn't be able to design a bomb from the blueprints of a plant, so I wouldn't get alarmed over the specifics. I agree though, that this was extremely irresponsible of the immigration people to do. Its a frightening thought that they let people get away with so much.

Originally posted by Lina
i mean, the news over here is showing pictures of a couple injured people in a hospital in afghanistan and everyone calls for halting the bombing.

I didn't know people were calling for a halt. Why must they be so ambivalent? Even in the U.S. government, people keel taking back what they said before, in the name of being this or that virtue. These poor people let themselves be blindly led by the "bleeding hearts" of the people who contort the truth like that. Well I'm not calling for a halt. And I'll even explain why later in this post.

Originally posted by -neurotic-
bombing hospitals is politically correct?
sometimes i really do NOT understand you americans you should think again on that one....nothing personal

Amazing. I don't see how its "nothing personal" if you are fingering out all of 'you americans", and telling them they are acting illogically and on ignorance. That's pretty personal there, since I happen to be one of those Americans. But that's beside the point. Do you think the U.S. government actually searches for all the hospitals on Afganistan ground, locates them, and tactically takes them out? If not, your post is pointless, because this is war. People die in war, people who weren't meant to die, die. Just as people are not perfect, neither is a government. The government only represents the average person, and acts as a person itself. Bombs cannot keep themselves from detonating if it turns out that there were unexpected civilians where the bomb is headed. And the placing of the Taliban tanks and munitions is begging for civilian casualties. That's the reason I don't call for the bombing to be halted.

Originally posted by Satori
When I hear about a bomb hitting a hospital and they say it was an accident I don't necessarily believe that, I think there was someone at that location they needed dead and they did it. Political correctness isn't an issue in war, only giving the perception of political correctness to the public is.

Interesting perspective...I haven't thought of that, to be honest.

Originally posted by -neurotic-
think that in america you don't get the whole truth from the media, they just give you what they want you to hear. If you were living in europe you'd have another point of view. I don't say that this is the truth, just my 2 cents. But your reaction shows how you're thinking. Everyone who says that the facts YOU got aren't true hates "americans". I don't hate anyone, nevermind if he/she is american, afghani, chinese or austrian or russian.... Oh... that was a lie I'm hating someone... Mr. Bush and his boys. Not because he's american.... because he IS NOT telling the truth and is trying to fuck up 250 million american minds Anyway... your military is bombing a very very very poor country, and not one bomb that has been dropped has hit a "Terrorist". Not to mind 8 millions Afghani's hungering and fleeing from their homes at the start of a hard Winter. sorry for the bad english, not my mother tongue and again nothing personal, just had to say this

Are you saying that the media in your country tells you the truth? I find that hard to believe. How do you know that not one terrorist has been hit? I see you've been taking trips to Afganistan. America didn't destroy their economy, and the refused to co-operate. It's not like America is just picking on them, they brought it on themselves. While it's possible that bin Laden has threatened them if they turn them over, it's not America's responsibility. Afganistan shouldn't have taken him in in the first place. It isn't for us to worry about how poor they are, and you can't tell me the Taliban aren't in need of dethroning. The Afganis are fleeing from the Taliban.


Opet, you're back! So how did it go? Glad to see you again, and that you found a place with a computer.
This is what terror its about. Causing insanity in people, inflicting psicological wounds that will never fully heal, Mind you that if you all had a more peacefull mind less filled with guilt and remorse this terror would shurely go away. But it probably would not.
In the words of John Irenicus:

You dare to attack me here...Do you even know who you face?
You will suffer, you will ALL Suffer :hotjump:
you say the american government isnt telling the truth? so you beleive the taliban?? the taliban is poisining their own people and saying americans are doing it and the stupid bastards actually beleive them over there. I think they are saying more people got killed over there then what really happened. Dont beleive everything the news says. some of it may be true but some of it is not.
Originally posted by Satori
When I hear about a bomb hitting a hospital and they say it was an accident I don't necessarily believe that, I think there was someone at that location they needed dead and they did it. Political correctness isn't an issue in war, only giving the perception of political correctness to the public is.

I agree with you completely. Any military could give two shits if the missile they used to destroy an enemy tank killed a few citizens; that particular military would see it as conventional collateral damage. The militaries of the world only show their political correctness face to the public.

This reminds me of a person belonging to a human rights organization I saw on CNN. The topic was whether or not the United States should use torture to get information from suspected terrorists. This man said that the United States has never used torture :lol: and should not sink to Bin Laden's level. Have you ever heard anything as ignorant or naive?