Do girls dig guys with long hair?

Originally posted by Jannet
The real question is, what is normal? This can open a whole new can of worms, but I would think that metalheads are more open-minded and musically aware than their "normal" (majority) counterparts. I see metalheads as more introspective, philosophical, and in some cases, SMARTER. I'm sure I've gone off base of the thread, but it was something I was thinking about when the normal/abnormal idea came up.

:lol: :lol:

This must be one of the funniest things I've ever heard! Well, I've heard it before, but when ever someone says something like this, you just know he/she doesn't know enough. I used to think that way too, but it was only due to my lack of reason and knowledge. I just know the author of the statement above worships metal and because of that hates everything "commercial". Slack me if I'm wrong, but this is how you made me feel.
Long hair on guys = GOOD :)
I always find guys look more attractive if they have long hair and on many people I think it'd be an improvement if they had long hair.
its so much easier in the shower now too :) i dont have to stay in there for like 5 minutes washing my hair. [/B]

yeah, but it was funny to grab you non-existent hair to wrench the water out.
i feel quite comfortable with my short haircut for these reasons
1. time i spend in the bathroom is shorter
2. i don't have to brush my hair
3. my hair doesn't splice at the end
4. my helm fits and the hair doesn't get twisted and i don't have loads of knots when i drive motorbike
5. i don't swallow my hair if i dive in the sea and come back up

but sometimes i'd love to have long hair again (i cut it off twice, it was a little bit above my nipples).
1. headbanging sucks with short hair
2. walking through the wind in autumn/winter ruled with long hair
3. i hate the monthly walk to the coiffeur

and the opinions i got from people were about 50/50. some said it would make my face even thinner, some just didn't like it (the non-metal fraction, mostly), and the other half liked it.
and i like both. so what can i do? i think i will grow them long once again when i start studying. this isn't such a good idea in my current job.
and yes, i experienced that women of my taste seemed to like the long hair version better.
This must be one of the funniest things I've ever heard! Well, I've heard it before, but when ever someone says something like this, you just know he/she doesn't know enough. [just know? assumption] I used to think that way too, but it was only due to my lack of reason and knowledge [implying that I do, also an assumption] . I just know [hahahahaha] the author of the statement above worships metal [assumption, assumption, assumption, bogus] and because of that hates everything "commercial" [lies, all lies].

Well, if you got as hearty a laugh as I did, then it was a give and take situation..lmao. It's quite hilarious when someone assumes they know you by reading an opinion. But I guess that's to be expected sometimes. I guess you didn't read where I said I liked Fleetwood Mac and Spandue Ballet elsewhere. Cherrio!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Analog_Kid

Not that that was much of a stretch, folks. He had about a mm's worth of hair anyway,(no he's not going bald... he just always keeps his hair almost completely shaven. Now he's just gone the whole Stone Cold Steve Austin route.).:rolleyes:

thats right, i have a Stone Cold Steve Austin look now.


i said i have a Stone Cold Steve Austin look now!:lol:

Originally posted by Jannet
Well, I guess we can turn it around and ask "do boys with long black "metal head" hair like britney listening girls?" I think it all boils down to the lifestyle of the other, not the hair. Metalheads like to stick with metalheads, pop with pop, and if we think about it, the hair is just part of the lifestyle, and since pop girls don't like metal (usually), they're not going to like the boy with the long hair who is associated with metal.

If a chick listens to Britney Spears, ill still talk to her and get to know her, regardless of what kind of music she listens to.

But then again, if a guy listens to Britney spears, i will immediately punch him in the nose, drop him... and squeeze out a cleavland steamer on his face. :spin: :lol: :lol: :lol: :spin:
If a chick listens to Britney Spears, ill still talk to her and get to know her, regardless of what kind of music she listens to.
But then again, if a guy listens to Britney spears, i will immediately punch him in the nose, drop him... and squeeze out a cleavland steamer on his face.

Damn, this reeks of double standard :lol: :lol: :lol: So you wouldn't mind being with this chick, and she insisted on listening to Britney's "Crazy" as a wake up call everyday on the radio. Hmmmm..I wonder...
i'll admit, when i see a guy with long hair, i'll usually turn my head and check him out. but this is only because it's safe to assume that he's into metal (for the most part). in fact, i even dated a guy with long hair for 2 years.
however, i once met a guy with long hair that i LOVED (the hair, not the guy - well, not yet). lost touch with him for awhile, we met again, and he had cut it all off, super short. and he looked even better. (now comes the part where i love him - teehee!). so i guess now i'm a short-hair-guy-kinda girl... but i'll still check out the metal heads ;)

oh, some of my favourite long-haired guys: jericho, HHH (kinda long), EDGE!!!!! (yummy... edge) i'm such a wrestling geek! :grin:

If a chick listens to Britney Spears, ill still talk to her and get to know her, regardless of what kind

Good for you, sausage man!! :grin: i think people need to be a little more open minded about this stuff. just cause someone doesn't like the same type of music doesn't mean that you can't have a meaningful relationship. variety is the spice of life!! :grin:
Good for you, sausage man!! i think people need to be a little more open minded about this stuff. just cause someone doesn't like the same type of music doesn't mean that you can't have a meaningful relationship.

Well, it's all well and good if the people are open-minded, but I'll tell ya, I've had my share of grief with my husband because of my musical tastes. It's interesting that music can play such a huge part in a relationship. My husband is into rap and R&B, I'm into metal, classical, and blues. We never go to music concerts together, which sucks because I always go to festivals and the like, and he stays home. He has also assumed that I'm a devil worshipper in the past. He knows this is not the case now, but in the past it bothered him that my Gorgasm CD had a woman getting fucked with a knife on the cover, I heard satanic music and read satanic books, and he assumed that I was some crazy maniac. We've had our arguments over it. Now that he understands my feelings on the music and the subject itself, he leaves me alone and we've reached an understanding. But, like I said, not without running over potholes on the way.
Originally posted by Jannet

Well, if you got as hearty a laugh as I did, then it was a give and take situation..lmao. It's quite hilarious when someone assumes they know you by reading an opinion. But I guess that's to be expected sometimes. I guess you didn't read where I said I liked Fleetwood Mac and Spandue Ballet elsewhere. Cherrio!

You left my final sentence unquoted...
I just meant to say that I used to think people who like metal were wiser and more profound and deep. That was when I didn't really know anyone who listens to radio pop. When I got to know few, I changed my mind. You can't make assumptions based on those few people you know... It's like being a racist.
YES, I love long hair!;) Long hair and facial hair seem to make most men look even more... men. Both staight and curly can be nice; it depends on the man. Jens F. Ryland in Borknagar, for instance, has wonderful heir indeed! But this doesn't say I don't like men with short hair; long is just a bonus.
I'm sure I'm the only one...but I CAN'T STAND long hair on a man. I like my man clean shaven, short hair and the like. Long hair on a man looks quite dirty to me, no offense to any males who have the long hair. And also, it's always falling out, popping up in the most unlikely places. My friend's boyfriend has long blonde hair, and his strands are all over the place, they get stuck on his coat. Blagh. I have short hair, and I like my men with short hair. And besides, short hair is much more respectable looking and you get better jobs, unless you're a musician.

Yes, you are the only one. I am Male, I have long hair, yet i fair to see how 'long' equates to 'dirty'.

Male's hair is just as clean as a Female's hair, if it is washed and properly maintained, it's not like Men were 'Made' to have short cropped hair, it is just the accepted Normality, as are bands like Korn, Staind and Creed... yet this doesn't mean that anyone has to like them or stick to those 'normalities'.

... And about the 'job thing', that is utter shit. An employer cannot discriminate against a man on basis of long hair, as that is sexual discrimination, and can lead to a MIGHTY big lawsuit against the employer.

...And BTW, the things you mention apply to Females too, it is quite natural for hair to fall out, and Female's hair DOES fall out too. With short hair, you lose just as much hair as someone who has long hair, it is just the fact that you can't generally see the individual strands of short hair.

Anything else I need to prove you WRONG about?? hmm???
I have to admit that I pay more attention to guys who have long hair. I love long hair :spin: ;) (we need a drool smiley here..) It doesn't matter is it blond or dark, curly or straight. But it depends on of the shape of the head etc. Yes, I assume when I see a guy with long hair, he's into metal, I could even start a conversation with him. And things like that comes into my mind. I kinda assume too he has a good sense of humor, he's intelligent, funny etc. But there are exceptions too. I've met guys, VERY attractive ones, but then they've been dumb as the boot of your left foot. And then I've met "normal" looking guys who have been into metal and had everything from the list which I just made, and even more. So I could say long hair is a big bonus ;)
I agree about that drooley sign... ;)

And about discrimination: You wouldn't get a law suit here either, so if you happen to experience it, you couldn't get any money out of it. Of course you could sue the person, and you could end up with the job after all, but that would be it, and I don't think it would be too fun to work there then.
Well, I don't live in your CRAZY countries, now do I?? :lol:

It is -I- who should be laughing at you, for i can have my hair as long as i want...!
Anything else I need to prove you WRONG about?? hmm???
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Most of your rebuttal was how my comment applied to females too. Of course it does! But that wasn't what the thread was about. It was specific to males. And about the job thing, sorry to disappoint you, but discrimination can occur because of the shape of your nose, but you'll never know it. And yes, people get discriminated because of the length of their hair, especially males. And don't you think I know that short hair can be as dirty as long hair? I said "LOOKS DIRTY," NOT "IS DIRTIER." And that is my personal opinion, something you can't prove me wrong about, because it's my belief. So before you try to prove people wrong, I'd suggest you really read something before you put your two cents in.

In addition, this major lawsuit you're talking about? If a man with long hair goes into an interview, and he gets denied, how will he ever know it was because of his hair? Employers don't go out of their way to tell you the true reason why you weren't picked, but just say "we've found someone else." So unless you have evidence, it won't play out in court.
I had posted on this thread, but now I can't see my post, so here it goes again :mad:

Before I got into metal, I wouldn't even look at guys with long hair (stupid closed-mindness).
Then a little time ago, I would only look at guys with long hair. I would actually give a look to anyone I saw with long hair :lol:
Now it doesn't matter to me, except maybe for the colour.
I still look at guys with long hair, but only music-wise (<- I hope this makes sense).
I have to say though, that long hair has to look nice, guys who have it should take care of it.