Medieval music

Henrik Main

Aug 10, 2002
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Hi. I've always had a soft spot for atmospheric music. When playing the roleplaying PC game "Baldur's Gate 2" (best game ever made, in my opinion), I noticed how immensely beautiful the ingame music is. I guess it could be labelled as "medieval instrumental music". I want to know more about this type of music. I would really appreciate it if you could recommend me some atmospheric music in the vein of the Baldur's Gate game. I also rather enjoy Wolgemut, Wongraven and Finntroll's latest offering, and would like to discover more bands that play medieval/folk music. Please recommend me some bands, I would highly appreciate it.
opacity said:
type in "medieval" into the search engine of this forum and you find quite some similar threads :)

for example this one, started not so long ago ;)

Yeah, thanks, but I'm not looking for metal/rock based music. I'm looking for the "real thing". Perhaps I should've posted this thread in the "non-metal" forum instead. Oh well.
henrikmain said:
Yeah, thanks, but I'm not looking for metal/rock based music. I'm looking for the "real thing". Perhaps I should've posted this thread in the "non-metal" forum instead. Oh well.

Jethro Tull aren't metal and some of their songs aren't particularly rock either.
Try downloading the songs "Songs from the wood", "Life is a long song" and the short version of "Thick as a Brick" all from the "Very Best of Jethro Tull" album. Some really beautiful flute playing on those babies! ;)
henrikmain said:
Hi. I've always had a soft spot for atmospheric music. When playing the roleplaying PC game "Baldur's Gate 2" (best game ever made, in my opinion), I noticed how immensely beautiful the ingame music is. I guess it could be labelled as "medieval instrumental music". I want to know more about this type of music. I would really appreciate it if you could recommend me some atmospheric music in the vein of the Baldur's Gate game. I also rather enjoy Wolgemut, Wongraven and Finntroll's latest offering, and would like to discover more bands that play medieval/folk music. Please recommend me some bands, I would highly appreciate it.
ahhh yes very good music. Especially the soundtrack that came with my Diablo II game cd special pack. wow...... yes completely mindblowing... I also enjoyed the Final Fantasy video game soundtracks starting with FF7 (which is still the best i think)... those... wow amazing musicians. Nobuo Uematsu (Japanese composer) wrote most of the scores. Check him and his stuff out, too.
I can think of four such treads off hand. Try a search. It's cool when someone pulls up an old thread.

There's one in the non-metal forum which I apparently somehow ruined. :]

I'm all in favor of this topic.

Long live the dark ages... oh no wait....