Meet members of Saxon while going shopping in UK??

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Hello! I am the happiest man in the world because since yesterday evening I am the owner of a internet connection!!! I straight was looking for some Saxon Stuff and arrived on this excellent page!!! Great to see there are some other German Saxon Fans! My name is Markus by the way! I am a Saxon Fan since I was born! I have a funny question for you Saxon Fans in England. Do you know in what area the members live and if you live near them do you maybe sometimes meet them while you do some shopping? I mean standing at the counter in ALDI and you suddenly meet Biff Byford buying some cheese or something like that! I can't wait to hear from you! And sorry for my stupid english.

Welcome to the board Markus.
Unfortunatley I don't live anywhere near where Saxon do, so I've never seen Biff buying cheese or washing up liquid!
However I did once meet Mr Byford in a service station off the motorway a few years back. He'd just been toilet and I was just going.
We had a brief chat and headed off on our seperate ways.
And by the way your English is fine, far superior to my German!

Hallo Markus,

welcome on Board!!!!
Saxon Fan by birth, hä?! COOOOOL; :lol:

Hey, and your question is so funny! We were for 2 vacations in the UK, but unfortunately never met the boys....I imange: I meet Biff while he is buying some under-pants :lol:

Hey, from which town are you? We are from Bremen, and believe it or not: Saxon is playing tomorrow evening in our town, WOOHOO :rollin: :cool: :rollin:

Over the years (since around '84) i've seen Biff in town quite a few times! The most "bizarre" time i saw him was early one morning as i was walking to work : he'd just had a small car accident at a pedestrian crossing [it was his girlfriend/wife driving ;-)]

I haven't met any of them yet. I'm in the process of begging the record company though! What an honor that would be!

Saxon was playing a gig in bridlington England cant remember the year now i was going to the gig that night with my ex girlfriend we were driving down a street in that town on the night of the gig when a car pulled up to our left i looked to the side and i couldent believe it when i saw biff in the car next to us he was going in the opposite direction he pulled out and i thought sod this and followed him he pulled up at the newsagents and we pulled up behind him he got out the car to go into the shop thats when i asked him if my gf could take a photo of me and him together no problem he said give me a minute while i just get something from the shop he came out and i got 2 photos with him as well as the saxon gig the photos really made my day and they came out a treat thanks biff and the rest of saxon who ive had photos taken with before not only for making A1 brill albums that will never be forgotton but for treating your fans with respect and generally being nice polite friendly blokes you could ever wish to possibly meet cheers saxon all the best with killing ground cant wait to buy it

sorry last message 16th line down i said that the photos really made my car what a wally i hit the wrong key it was supposed to say as most of you might of thought the photos really made my day

egnore this message the last message has been corrected