Megadeth Fans

CliffBurton said:
Not to mention Megadeth has relased 3 best of CDs in total now, and released every album re-masterd.

Dave Mustain wanted to stop Megadeth before The System Has Failed was released. It was never meant to be a Megadeth album, he only named it a Megadeth album becuase his record label told him he owes them 1 more Megadeth album in the contract.
I'm not complaining cause Megedeth is my favorite band. I just though what he said was beyond retarted. But yeah, dispite fufilling his contract, Mustaine is getting ready for new album, which I'm sure will be cool. And at the least a million times better than ST.Anger.
I know it's gonna sound stupid, but I'm pretty sure James MacDonough was fired becuase he refused to use a pick.
dave wants all his bassits to use a pick, and he played in iced earth and basically his entire life using fingers.
Megadeth have recently announced the addition of former Black Label Society/White Lion bassist James Lomenzo to the group's ranks. Lomenzo joins the band as the replacement for James MacDonough, who was officially dismissed from the group on February 10, 2006.
Mitton said:
Tornado of souls solo pwns any Metallica solo.

Any solo by Friedman on RustInPeace or CountdownToExtinction pwns any metallica solo :lol:

disposable hero said:
nope kirk hammetts solo on orion is better than any solo in the world

:lol: hahahahahaha that is so correct! Will you be my friend now?

disposable hero said:
lets see you try pull of a solo like that.

:lol: You must have never played a guitar in your life...

How about pulling off the solo in Winter Madness by Wintersun?:hotjump: