Megadeth Guitar switch again?

True, very true. I don't think Vinnie is playing much music nowadays. I think he's busy doing production and running his label.

I should correct myself from earlier. Dave didn't ask Vinnie, he asked Dimebag to be guitarist and Dime said "Only if my brother can be drummer." And who had Dave just hired as drummer? Nick bloody Menza. But Nick was good when he wasn't pussying about and messing Dave about (or possibly being messed about?? Who knows).
Degrasso is a good drummer. I don't think he ever got a chance to show what he could do in Megadeth. Dave just wasn't into the faster material at that time. I seriously hope Drover quits or gets fired, he isn't a right fit for Megadeth.
Yeah, I'm serious. I can't stand the Drovers, at least half of them are gone, one half to go.

:heh: HAHAHA! :kickass:
I wonder why Dave does keep him.He can pretty much choose whoever he wants.
Maybe Drover has no back bone and caves to what ever Dave wants,And I'm pretty sure that's the way Dave likes it.
:heh: HAHAHA! :kickass:
I wonder why Dave does keep him.He can pretty much choose whoever he wants.
Maybe Drover has no back bone and caves to what ever Dave wants,And I'm pretty sure that's the way Dave likes it.

Has to be, there's no other good explanation. Supposedly there's a "big" announcement tomorrow from the Deth camp. It's probably overstated. I hate these kinds of things. Just freakin' tell us.
Yeah I was wondering that too.I hope it's something all out Metal but it usually ends up being something anticlimactic.
I wonder what he means by ( I don't remember the exact quote) this is Megadeth 08 how we sound now deal with it.Something like that.That could be interpreted bad or good.I hope he doesn't get someone like Broderick for no reason,so hopefully it's good.
I wonder why Dave does keep him.

I think that it's because Dave thinks he is really good. I remember an interview on the Live In Buenos Aires DVD where after a gig Mike Portnoy of Dream Theater walked to the Drover and congratulated him for his playing and asked if he used a click track. Drover said he didn't and Mike was apparently impressed. I think that explains it all.
I guess that does explain it.I wonder who how much Drover payed him to do it? hehe
FUCK! man Europe gets fuckin everything.Not that I really care about Priest but c'mon...FUCK!
chris broderick is a friend of mine - love him!!!

Cool! I see Megadeth is coming out with another dvd.Do you know if that was taped with Broderick.If it is another one with Drover I might have to pass on it.I didn't think one night in buenos aires was that good.I'm sure that Drover got better since then but I would be looking forward to it much more if it is with Chris.
Cool! I see Megadeth is coming out with another dvd.Do you know if that was taped with Broderick.If it is another one with Drover I might have to pass on it.I didn't think one night in buenos aires was that good.I'm sure that Drover got better since then but I would be looking forward to it much more if it is with Chris.

Chris is definitely on the new Nevermore DVD coming out next month... ;)
I think Dave should get Gene Hoglan now that SYL is done.That would put the thunder back into Megadeth....and then some!

That would be great, although I don't think Gene would be into it. I think he goes for heavier, crazier type of material.