Megadeth Guitar switch again?

Cool! I see Megadeth is coming out with another dvd.Do you know if that was taped with Broderick.If it is another one with Drover I might have to pass on it.I didn't think one night in buenos aires was that good.I'm sure that Drover got better since then but I would be looking forward to it much more if it is with Chris.

I don't know if he's one it or not, you know my feelings on it though. HA ha! :rock:
I guess that does explain it.I wonder who how much Drover payed him to do it? hehe
FUCK! man Europe gets fuckin everything.Not that I really care about Priest but c'mon...FUCK!

You don't care about Priest?! Whats wrong with you?:lol:

Seriously though Priest are awesome. I think this is one tour I will have to see. Those are three of my favourite bands.
I liked Pain Killer but other then that I don't really consider them Metal I consider them Hard Rock.The guy made himself the flag girl instead of the driver in his own video for gods sake!Halford just puts me off walking around calling himself a Metal God.His solo work was much heavier but this is Priest.I really liked Pain Killer though.If they stuck to that I'd be into it.But that's just me.
agreed that Jimmy DeGrasso is a great drummer,but I don't know,I have always considered Nick as the classic Megadeth drummer,even if he was their third...anyway you could have pointed him out of 1000 drummers with his groove on songs such as Reckoning Day or Foreclosure of a Dream...and I always thought Rust in Peace's original production didn't do justice to Nick's drumming on it...Vinnie Paul?come the fuck on,one of the most overrated drummers ever,just like his brother as a guitarist,though he was better at his instrument...
haha,it's funny how people are discovering Chris these days.such an underrated player,even back on his Jag Panzer days.I wish he would have stayed with Nevermore though...
Vinnie did some good shit on Far beyond Driven and if you watch the Dime vision video you will see that Dime was a lot more technical and faster then what he played in Pantera and from a really young age.There is a really funny video of him Rex and Vinnie in 1984 playing am I Evil from Metallica.Dime is doing the guitar and the vocals and they are dead on.It sounds like Hetfield on the album and the solo is way faster and cleaner then Hammett ever did.Really good sound for being in what looks like a garage.And there are a few funny liberties with the vocals.I'm not saying doing a Hammett solo better than him makes him a great guitar player(or is it really Dave's) I just think it's funny clip and Dime really does deserve the props he got.Even Friedman say's so.
And yes I am really psyched to here Chris in Megadeth.
Vinnie did some good shit on Far beyond Driven and if you watch the Dime vision video you will see that Dime was a lot more technical and faster then what he played in Pantera and from a really young age.There is a really funny video of him Rex and Vinnie in 1984 playing am I Evil from Metallica.Dime is doing the guitar and the vocals and they are dead on.It sounds like Hetfield on the album and the solo is way faster and cleaner then Hammett ever did.Really good sound for being in what looks like a garage.And there are a few funny liberties with the vocals.I'm not saying doing a Hammett solo better than him makes him a great guitar player(or is it really Dave's) I just think it's funny clip and Dime really does deserve the props he got.Even Friedman say's so.
And yes I am really psyched to here Chris in Megadeth.

Am I Evil was by a band called Diamond Head. They were part of the so called New Wave Of British Heavy Metal. Thats where Metallica took it from too. Lars apparently hung around with the band for a while. Dave Mustaine is also a big fan of theirs. The song It's Electric on the Warchest Live cd was a Diamond Head cover and was sung by Sean Harris the lead singer. Dave also wrote Crown Of Worms with Sean and Brian Tatler, the guitarist. So there's your history lesson.:lol:

As for your opinion of Judas Priest thats fair enough. They are not to everyone's taste. But I think you're missing the point calling them Hard Rock. Some of their stuff is very much hard rock but they created a sound back in the 70's that hadn't been heard before using similar dark subjects to Sabbath but with a twin guitar attack. It is from this that many of the bands that followed them based their sounds, ways of playing and so on and evolved it into what they are now. Priest are generally now classified as Classic Heavy Metal. They set a template which many followed.

Try Jugulator and Demolition, the two albums they recorded while Rob wasn't with them, if you haven't already. I think you'll possibly like them.
Crown of Worms, yeah, that's an awesome song. For the newer Priest recommendations, I'd say check out Jugulator. It's probably the fastest, heaviest thing they have done. Demolition sounds horrible, the production is really bad.
I know where the song originally came from I don't need a history lesson.I was specifically comparing Dime to Metallica because he did a Hetfield impersonation and Metallica is where Mustaine came into it because he played it with Metallica before Hammett.So hopefully I have cleared that up.Not trying to be a dick.As for Priest I know everything came from something I understand that.I just don't really find watering down Sabbath and adding a guitar is really that groundbreaking.I know I haven't heard all their material.But with the exception of Painkiller I don't find them any more Metal than old AC/DC or Quiet Riot or even some parts of old Van Halen.They were not heavier then old Motley Crue,I don't think the Crue is Metal.They all had elements of Metal..but are they really?.They dressed up and strutted around, but weren't a hair band.But they made some really commercial watery music and to me that's hard rock.It may not technically be but when I listen to Sabbath or Maiden or old Metallica I know without question I am listening to Metal.I don't get that with Priest.I just can't take them seriously I just don't get anger or anything dark or too deep in much of their music ( pre- PainKiller).I don't mean any offense to Priest fans,This is just my opinion that's why I said " I don't consider them Metal"I'm happy fans get a show to be psyched about I really am If they get you goin more power to you.Although I don't think I'm completely alone.
Oh thats ok then. The way I read it, it looked like you had said Am I Evil was a song by Metallica. I wasn't sure if you knew about Diamond Head or not. You'd be surprised how many people I've come across that don't know who they are.

As I said before what you said about Priest is fair enough. I don't know what of their stuff you have heard so I can't point you in the right direction to see if it would change your view at all. Painkiller is my personal favourite by them too but I was brought up on their old stuff so I love it too. I am starting to think you do have to be brought up on them to appreciate them. I know a few people like yourself who have probably heard even less than you and when I mention Priest they say they don't like them. I tell them that's nearly impossible and play them a few select tracks and their opinion changes. I'm not saying you don't like them but I have come across it before.

And just for the record I don't really class Sabbath as Metal. More Heavy Rock and I'm not entirely convinced Maiden are metal either. Old Metallica is definately metal though, just so you don't think I've gone completely mental.:lol:
Funny I'm sure their a lot of people who don't know about am I evil.Hell there is probably people who don't know about Cliff Burton nowadays.And your right some of Black Sabbath's stuff isn't that heavy.I have to say metal though because the lyrics are dark and most hard rock isn't it's more about ( if you'll pardon) "breakin the law" or partying and chicks, and also the guitar does have a pretty broken heavy sound to it with some evil riffs.I don't know sometimes it's a fine line!I do think growing up with it helps.I built my musical tastes off my older brother and Priest was not one of his bands.By the time I had any real exposure to them I was well into early Metallica,Overkill,Megadeth etc.And when you are a young teenager and you have had a taste of music that heavy" you got another thing coming" just didn't cut it.But I still had room for the hard rock bands I grew up on.So yes growing up on it definitely helps. Anyway I'm open to Priest if it's anything like painkiller.I didn't hear all of the reunion album although I heard it was more like old Priest and I've only heard Nostradamus so far on the new one.
Thats cool. If you were to listen to the tracks on the Metalogy boxset I think you would get a better idea of their appeal. Priest do cover a wide range of styles but the "hard rock" songs are the ones that tend to get played the most. But I'm sure you will find some other stuff you will like.

Angel Of Retribution has some good songs on it too. Demonizer and Hellrider are Painkiller style songs. The whole album is worth a listen though. And as for Nostradamus, you'd have to listen to it yourself. It has divided opinion so much I couldn't say whether you'd like it or not. I love it. And don't forget about Jugulator and Demolition. Those two are covered on Metalogy though.
Generally, I view Priest as "best of/live" band. Their older albums just didn't feel unified. They almost came across as old school LPs where there were the singles then a bunch of tracks noone remembered for a reason. Honestly though if you approach the band's stronger material... there's some truly amazing stuff in there.