Megadeth - Just give up already

Thrash Destroyer

New Metal Member
Sep 26, 2014
This band really sucks. First of all I was listening to their weak "material", and especially their 2000 weak "material" is a complete joke. Super clean loud production, with that loud mastering, and extremely mediocre mid paced riffs. Mustaine really needs to call it quits. And yes, I'm referring to Endgame. It is a bunch of mid paced riffs, with this really loud vocal mix, typical modern metal production, and chris broderick weak so called "leads" all over every so called "song". A complete snooze fest. And when is this guy mustaine ever going to cut the baloney and instead of pretending to write edgy "anti nwo" lyrics, which he has tried to do his whole so called "career"...when is he going to just have the balls to say israel did 9/11 and write a song about that, the whiney kike. But she's white, so what do you expect. So naturally she just talks about vague "alex jones" "inspired" lyrics instead. Hm...isn't metal supposed to be extreme? As in, BEYOND wimp "metaphor" lyrics. Especially with her weak vocal so called "melodies" so loud in the mix, and that weak "nasally" voice.
Who told you metal has to be extreme? This post reeks of "beginner metalhead everything must be br00tal syndrome"
I'm going to go listen to some epic doom metal and laugh at how much incredible music you're missing out on.
I don't listen to music just for the sounds. I focus on the ideology of the band and everything that entails. If I were to listen to music just for the sounds then I would think megadeth were good, among other weak so called "bands".
Have you actually heard megadeth's "super collider"? This must be the weakest wimpiest thing my ears have ever heard. I also cannot believe what I was watching for their videos. This band is your favorite band? I must say you have some weak taste. Also you do realize they are sell outs right? If a band sells out they invalidate their whole discography because they prove to the world their true intentions. Selling yourself like a prostitute for the dollar sign reveals a lot about character.