Megadeth Mega Ebay Sale

Kudos to Dave if he did do her lol she's hot... perhaps this a publicity stunt for her website(s) and/or career... but probably not because she has a impressive resume of her career... perhaps her hubby gave her a ultimatum because she spends too much time with Megadeth and he got jealous..
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Kudos to Dave if he did do her lol she's hot... perhaps this a publicity stunt for her website(s) and/or career... but probably not because she has a impressive resume of her career... perhaps her hubby gave her a ultimatum because she spends too much time with Megadeth and he got jealous..

Who really fucking knows?!
:confused: :confused: :confused: How do you just immediately STOP liking a band you've loved 14yrs then just instantly decide to sell all their stuff?!!?!?
Oh well, she'll make some Mega-Megadeth fan happy and a bit broke:lol: