Megadeth - "United Abominations"

Good call, it did make me re-think my opinion on him. I guess with Megadeth it's the fact he has'nt got a good 'metal' voice it's a little weak. I can't deny he is a talented song writer but it's just not my bag, they sound weak and the production always sounds 'thin'.

Fair enough, but then again you can say the same about the 70s Metal bands to the 80s.. you are comparing different eras and Metal and production in particular have changed a lot, when Megadeth started there was no Thrash metal let alone Grove, Death and all the rest. If you have only heard the original releases look for the re-releases of Megadeth's albums, they are not a cash in so much, the production is greatly improved and SFSGSW for example has four bonus tracks.

As far as Mustaine having a good metal voice, he doesn't, he never has, he spent a year looking for a singer before saying fuck it, I will just do it. He has a pretty unique snarling vocal style... personally I am a big fan of it but there are plenty of people that are not. I just like it because he can sound really psychotic like on sweating bullets or he can do great rock performances like A Tout Le Monde or Trust.

The music on the new album, from what I've heard, wasn't that bad. It had it's moments. The one thing that really kills the album for me are the stupid political statements Mustaine makes. I don't agree with what he's saying.

Thats fucking what Megadeth is all about man! Fair enough if you dont like it but Mustaine wants his views heard and is not too much of a pussy to throw em out there, even if talking politics is a bit un-metal to some people. Hell the cover of Peace Sells is an ironic statement on the cold war which was still going when it came out all the way back in 86.
Megadeth wouldn't be Megadeth without politics. It's one of the very things which made me love them in the first place. I love hearing Mustaine trash America's government, it's brilliant stuff :kickass:
i honestly think he has a great voice and couldnt picture any of his work to be done with clean vocals, it has to have a bit of anger just like death metal
Megadeth wouldn't be Megadeth without politics. It's one of the very things which made me love them in the first place. I love hearing Mustaine trash America's government, it's brilliant stuff :kickass:

That's exactly the problem I have with the album. He's not really trashing it! There's support for the war in the new songs.
Example taken from the title track of the new album:

The US invaded Afghanistan after 9/11, there was no UN
Saddam Hussein violated 17 UN resolutions; The UN was asked to join the war in Iraq. The US invaded, Ha! there was no UN
Libya bombed a discotheque in Berlin killing Americans, there was no UN
Iran funds any terrorist organization it can, and attacked the US in the seventies, there was no stinking UN
Facing War without end, looking into the future, there was no more UN
I think you are a bit mistaken. Those lyrics more take a knock at the UN. Although he mentions the US invading afganistan, he mentions that the UN was not involved with this conflict, whether it be by actually partaking in the engagement or by implimenting policy to prevent the cause of such attacks. Either way, the UN is a fucking joke. Watch the movie Hotel Rwanda if you wanna see what the UN is good for. It's really just a club for nations with no sphere of political influence feel that they are actually partaking in world diplomacy. Remember this, military might is the glove of the diplomatic hand, and the UN really doesn't have much of an army to truly enforce their policy. If I was some crazy Iranian dictator, I wouldn't give a shit about what a group of diplomats on another continent from foreign countries proposed.
I think you are a bit mistaken. Those lyrics more take a knock at the UN. Although he mentions the US invading afganistan, he mentions that the UN was not involved with this conflict, whether it be by actually partaking in the engagement or by implimenting policy to prevent the cause of such attacks. Either way, the UN is a fucking joke. Watch the movie Hotel Rwanda if you wanna see what the UN is good for. It's really just a club for nations with no sphere of political influence feel that they are actually partaking in world diplomacy. Remember this, military might is the glove of the diplomatic hand, and the UN really doesn't have much of an army to truly enforce their policy. If I was some crazy Iranian dictator, I wouldn't give a shit about what a group of diplomats on another continent from foreign countries proposed.

Yes, let's just let movies and Megadeth albums inform us on how the UN is doing its job, shall we? I have no dispute with Mustaine's views - I doubt anyone would, because they're so obvious a child could see them. The problem is dave thinks the UN just popped it's head out of nowhere and forgets around two thousand years of diplomatic history, and he thinks that the UN's sole job is to prevent wars. What's laughable is he complains about ambassadors eating his taxes and getting diplomatic immunity, and here he is sitting in a studio writing awful lyrics which propose absolutely nothing to fix his "problems"
Megadeth wouldn't be Megadeth without politics. It's one of the very things which made me love them in the first place. I love hearing Mustaine trash America's government, it's brilliant stuff :kickass:

Yeh but he does it in a very elimentry way, it makes me cringe.

The album is ordinary, Walk alone's chorus is probably the only part of the album i really enjoy and Washington is next is ok.