Megadeth's "Headcrusher"

Damn I thought the "Dave Mustaine can make coffee more metal." thing was a joke but the man really has his own coffee! :OMG::worship:
Hahaha, yup Phil, believe it or not, it's true (and when it was posted on here awhile ago, someone made a brilliant slogan for it - "Even after 27 years, it's still bitter" :lol: )
wtf? call this number to hear a song? that sounds like a marketing promotion from 1989... not 2009.
Well, what do you expect, as the whole guy is still missing the demo-days of Metallica. :Smokedev:
All this talk of a new Megadeth has got me wondering....can MegaDave really pull it off and make a Peace Sells or Rust In Peace for the twenty tens? Hell; even a Countdown To Extinction would do. Personally, everything since Countdown hasn't pushed any buttons at all for me.

I've re-discovered Peace Sells and can't get enough of it at the moment. :worship:

I look forward to see what will unfold. :guh:
The 30 seconds I heard sounds like old school instrumental work but with the newer style vocals. IMO this is the same issue I have with the new Metallica -- if you want your new shit to be as aggressive as the old shit, you're going to have to sing old school.
The 30 seconds I heard sounds like old school instrumental work but with the newer style vocals. IMO this is the same issue I have with the new Metallica -- if you want your new shit to be as aggressive as the old shit, you're going to have to sing old school.

If 90% of the audience are suffering from 1) global crisis of sensibility, 2) Homosexuality, DM can't help it. At least we can be thankful that he chose not to sound like those KSE or BFMV fags, eh?