Megallon is here!Big hello to all HM fans.


New Metal Member
May 17, 2020
Hello,fellow HM fans singers and players.Currently I'm looking for female singers and lead guitarists
for my new band.Here, in Croatia, HM was strong during 80's.Now,folk singers are ruling the scene.
10 songs are finished and I intend to go to nearest country with HM publishing house,Napalm records
in Austria.Songs are classical melodic metal in style of Manowar,Priest,some in style of Motorhead...but on my way.
No Trash or Speed metal.Just not my style.I hope that is possible to find good band here,on this
HM forum.My profile is here,so if you are interested or have a good suggestion,welcome.
Too young to die,never too old for Heavy Metal - regards from Megallon.
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