Melancholic/depressive themes in black/death metal


Jun 12, 2010
I've found that it's pretty rare to find melancholic death metal, so I've had to look to blackened death metal for this type of music, but I'm looking for anything with a death metal influence that has melancholy music and or lyrics. So far the best examples of what I'm looking for are Dissection and Dawn. Thanks for any recs
Forgot to say that death/doom recs are welcome but I'm looking for some faster music of this style as well. Dark Millennium was good, but the singers voice sounded a little bit punky to me -- couldn't get over it, but maybe it will come with time.

Opeth is good, but I don't really see the death metal influence in Agalloch or Alcest. I'll check out Gallowbraid and I already like The Morningside, though I haven't really listened to much of them. Thanks for the recs
Yeah, there are more black metal influences, but I posted them anyway, since they have the melancoholic music, and are good enough to mention :P