Melodeath / Rate my mix/tone!


New Metal Member
Jun 9, 2012
So i've never done this before but ive been a long-time lurker so i figured i'd post this up...this isn't my 100% happy-with mix but i dont know where to go from here, so i figured i need some sound advice!

This is just an entirely home-made recording, drums are e-kit then triggered,
Guitars recorded using an ashdown fallen angel 180 using the FX Loop and an
impulse but they are getting re-amped at a later point after all 3 songs are finished..however i quite like this tone already! I feel like the guitars somehow need more presence (not as in the EQ) but hoping that will be fixed when we re-amp using the 6505.

Bass was straight DI re-amped into my Ampeg/pedalboard in a straight loop back out the amp DI with an impulse slapped on there

oh and please excuse the master i just ran it through a limiter for reference, it may pump a little bit at times

I'm by no means a pro so all criticism is welcome!