Melodic Black/Death band from L.I.

Well first of all, thank you cold kingdom. Nobody on these boards are willing to check out bands but that you for checking us out. Oh yeah and sinister, we are based out of Valley Stream but our keyboard player is from Lynbrook and our singer is from East Rockaway. I'm surprised your the only person who likes real metal in your area. There is a decent amount of people in Valley Stream who have pretty good taste in music. theres a good 20 kids in our H.S and the junior H.S. who listen to metal. Keep in touch if your the only person in Huntington who likes metal cause then you could come to a show of ours and meet some real metalheads based out of L.I.-\m/ Tom
coldkingdom, I just have to say that you are a badass man for supporting us and spreading the word about us. Also, what area are you from? If you live anywhere near NY try to catch us at a show cause we are gonna be playing a bunch of shows all over the place in the summer hopefully. So hey, keep in touch man and we got a cd coming up with 8 songs on it so whenever we get that done, we'll give you a copy. Later man-\m/ Tom
Hey man thanks alot! Thanks to everyone who took the time to listen to us and I hope you all keep in touch for when we record our C.D. with all 8 of our songs. We'll be recording it within the next 2 or 3 months and it'll have much better quality. So yeah thanks alot for taking the time to listen to some unsigned band which I am sure you probably thought would suck and I hope you were all pleasently surprised! Thanks again and keep on headbangin'-\m/ Tom

P.s.-Psychonaut, where are you seeing Deicide and what date is it on? If its before April 5th, let me know how Vehemence and Revenge were live. Thanks.
CyanideBreedMetal said:
coldkingdom, I just have to say that you are a badass man for supporting us and spreading the word about us. Also, what area are you from? If you live anywhere near NY try to catch us at a show cause we are gonna be playing a bunch of shows all over the place in the summer hopefully. So hey, keep in touch man and we got a cd coming up with 8 songs on it so whenever we get that done, we'll give you a copy. Later man-\m/ Tom
First of all, I live in Southern Massachusetts, so if you guys were to come closer around here, I'd definitely have to go to a show. Also, I can't wait for the CD, I'll be looking forward to it! :headbang:
Coldkingdom......are you going to the New England Metalfest because if you are me and some of the guys in the band are driving up to see it so if your gonna be there then maybe we could give you a demo or something? Also, its always good to meet another metalhead-\m/ Tom
CyanideBreedMetal said:
Coldkingdom......are you going to the New England Metalfest because if you are me and some of the guys in the band are driving up to see it so if your gonna be there then maybe we could give you a demo or something? Also, its always good to meet another metalhead-\m/ Tom
Ya, me and my friends are still not sure if we're going both days, but we'll definitely be going to see Opeth at least :headbang:. That'd be really cool to get a demo from you guys, is there any way we'd be able to identify each other?
CyanideBreedMetal said:
If you like Melodic death, death metal, black metal, or thrash metal, then give our band, Cyanide Breed, a listen. Our web-adress is Give us a listen and then give us some feedback afterwards. Also we are opening for Deicide, Amon Amarth, Vehemence, Behemoth, and Revenge on April 5th at L'amour. If you are interested e-mail us for tickets at Thanks alot-Tom \m/

Usually I'm quite weary of checking out bands on message boards but I'm glad I did this time! YOU ROCK. Keep up the good work. :devil:
Coldkingdom, we got plently of time to figure it out since the fest is in May so just keep in touch with me on the board or if you want you can ask me for my name on AIM and we can talk and we'll figure out how to meet up when the time comes.
Tara, thank you. I know how it is when you see posts about unsigned bands and you usually expect them to suck but I have learned that its worth checking out sometimes because every once in awhile you'll find a band with some actual talent. So hey thanks alot and keep in touch and dont forget in a few months we're recording a full length so the more support we get from you guys, the more likely it is that this album could lead to something more. Thanks alot again to everyone-\m/ \m/ \m/ Tom
Indeed. I thoroughly enjoyed both songs on there. Especially Soiled Unborn. I generally try to check out bands that post their music on forums, it's the only way I hear new bands with audiogalaxy dead. I'm looking forward to the full-length, that's for god damn sure.

I'll probably be making my way to New England Metalfest as well, so perhaps I'll see you there? Anyway, keep in touch. I'd like to know the progress of the album! Oh, I think you said you had AIM.. anyway, if you want.. my nickname is AdCaelestisRes.
Hey Sonnenritter, thanks alot man. I'll let you know when we hit the studio once we decide which studio to use and I'll meet up with you in New England and hook you up with a demo (hopefully by then we will have the full length done) so keep it touch and thanks alot man-\m/ Tom
Hey Tom, we've corresponded via email ( in case you forgot. Anyway, I was curious, are you guys playing the NJ Metal Fest this next weekend coming up? If so, I'd like to ask you a few questions for our zine and whatnot. Otherwise, we'll maybe get a chance at the Amon Amarth show in April. Let me know, danka.
Hey Mark,
Yeah I remember some of the guys in the band were telling me about your E-mail. No we arent playing at the New Jersey Fest (that would be great if we were) but yeah I think that we could hang out and we could talk at the Amon Amarth/Deicide/Vehemence show. So yeah man just come and talk to us after our set that day aright? Cool man later-\m/ Tom