Melodic Black Metal

Check out Fairytale Abuse.

Their new album is their best work so far, but I love this song from one of their early demos, especially half-way through the song.

I should know more but I can't really think at the moment. Perhaps Daemonicium?

Also, maybe check out early Vampiria.
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Thyestean Feast
Spite Extreme Wing

90% of the people I introduce these bands to seem to love them so.. yeah.
I do enjoy melodic black metal, usually keyboard-melodic as opposed to guitar-melodic. Though the term is loosely defined so it's hard to come up with recommendations. I know lots of bands that are influenced by Cradle of Filth but I don't know if that's what you're looking for. To me, Graveworm and Cradle of Filth sound nothing alike but some of the bands I'm talking about may appeal to you, chuj666.
Check out Fairytale Abuse.

Their new album is their best work so far, but I love this song from one of their early demos, especially half-way through the song.

I should know more but I can't really think at the moment. Perhaps Daemonicium?

Also, maybe check out early Vampiria.

Cool band...and also it's easier to keep up with a band if they only have 2 releases..I'm talking about Fairytale abuse
I do enjoy melodic black metal, usually keyboard-melodic as opposed to guitar-melodic. Though the term is loosely defined so it's hard to come up with recommendations. I know lots of bands that are influenced by Cradle of Filth but I don't know if that's what you're looking for. To me, Graveworm and Cradle of Filth sound nothing alike but some of the bands I'm talking about may appeal to you, chuj666.

I like When daylight's Gone and Scourge of Malice from Graveworm..also I like older albums from Eternal Tears of Sorrow and I also listen to Catamenia