melodic death metal, but more death than melodic!


Apr 14, 2005
everrot, WA
first song for the band done, phew. still gotta have muh co-guitarist record his leads and maybe have our new bassist (once we chose one...) should have him record the basslines, since mine are sloppy as shit, haha. almost have the drums the way i want them to sound, minus the somewhat think kicks (s2.0 kicks....) and the snare that i need a little brighter. guitars too mushy? all pod. bass uses the bass amp sim in logic 8. me likes logic 8 a lot now, lol. need tips!! im not sure what else to do other than some automation, and tracking the leads and vocals. ??? i'll retrack the guitars with my engl fireball once i get the guts to turn it on without a load attatched lol (i heard you can leave it in standby and just use the fx send??)

Cored demo
lo-fi URL:
hi-fi URL:
DUDE - Holy shit!!

I heard this song a long time ago and I could never place it - I think you posted this on the Line 6 forums like a year or so ago?

Dude - I always loved this one - Just didn't know who to tell - Awesome!

I like this version alot better than the first one I heard, but I miss the harmony leads at about 2:14 - I remember that was my favorite part of the song!! They must go back in immediately :lol:
hahaha, i think i posted it there like 2 or 3 years ago, it was old, and it was only like 2 minutes, rolf. but yeah, i wanna have the other guitarist in the band record those harmony stuffs, and to do other leads and stuff. i think its would kinda be messed up to do a "band demo" with just one guy doing the whole shot, rofl. and our drummer really wants to record drums for this, im not sure whether to encourage him or not, he's not ready, not quite consistent or powerful enough yet. but he's come a long way from when he joined (oy...) to where he is now.

i updated the mix slighty, made the snare a little brighter, and smoothed out the guitars. i'm actually happy with this mix, probably the first one that's ever made me smile after playback, rofl. improvments?

edit: ew, soundclick's mp3 encoding IS crap...
Dude - I can't comment too much on the mix too much (laptop speakers are all that's available right now), but - sounds good to me - balanced, everything is audible, etc. I love this song dude - really, really cool. I can't wait to hear it when it's done!!!!

Do you have a singer laying down vox?
ahh shit. I've re-recorded the song entirely from scratch, and i've added that lead back in there! rofl. i got some vocals down, but our singer got kinda hoarse and he hasn't been back to re-do the vox yet, balls. but i like this mix better, i FINALLY told the S2.0 kick to "FUCK OFF YOUR DIRTY WHOOOORE". replaced with the infamous shadows fall kick plus some random kick i found in logic. the vocals i got down aren't horrid, but they can be better, so i'm gunna save for when they are done! im still too wary to turn on my engl without a load attached, so i think i might get a little 1x12 cab for a load and use the fx send into my onyx. if that'll work, rofl.
no need to be afraid of using the fx out on the Fireball bro! I did it all the time with mine and had no problems, just make sure you don't accidently flip it out of standby!

i always thought my FB was broken because I could always hear a tinyyy bit of signal when I turned it on, standby or not but later realized it was supposed to be like that, haha.

cheers dude! i dig the song a lot!