melodic death type song (revalver+EZdrummer + impulses)


Feb 6, 2008
I'm working on a song and I need your oppinion on how well the mix works becouse after listening to it like 100 times I can't even differ the guitars from cymbals any longer... :ill:
anyway it's just an idea maybie it sounds too typical, I don't know but I'd like to hear what you guys think of it...
here it is:
ok, how much would I need to low pass, I don't use low pass and high pass ever I don't know much about this function... =(
does low pass mean you remove the low frequencies, or that you keep them? and also at what frequency do you think I should start the low passing....
thanks for your oppinion btw... :)
Low pass = pass the lows through, cut off the highs. I have no idea where you'd set a low pass on those cymbals, but they do seem to need it :) Put a low pass on there and move things around to see how it sounds.
What samples did you use on the drums, I like that snare :) Everything sounds pretty good to me and the song is good.
What samples did you use on the drums, I like that snare :) Everything sounds pretty good to me and the song is good.
thanx.... I used Ez drummer for the cymbals and behindert's samples for the kick and snare :) whick you can find here:
Very najs ..can you send a picture on your Revalver setting love the guitar sound little clayman ;)
hrmm for guitars I used his settings also, hehe the settings for the rytham guitars and 5051 settings for the leads... :)

how does this sound compared to the first mix I added the low pass filter on the cymbals and mixed the drums a bit differently
Sound better now.. really good :D
The site doesnt work :( Could you upload the samples please? The toms are Ez drummer?
thanx.... I used Ez drummer for the cymbals and behindert's samples for the kick and snare :) whick you can find here:

hrmm for guitars I used his settings also, hehe the settings for the rytham guitars and 5051 settings for the leads... :)

how does this sound compared to the first mix I added the low pass filter on the cymbals and mixed the drums a bit differently

Sorry to bring this old post up again but how did you use the snare/bassdrum samples?
I mean, it's not possible to load new samples into EZ Drummer, right? Or did I miss something there?

I'm always having trouble with bassdrum/ I would love to use different samples for that.
How did you do it?
:Smokin: I used battery to trigger the kick and snare but you could use drumagog as well.... it's easier I think....
Ok, thanks. :)

But do I have to create an additional midi track then?
I mean, I want to program everything in the same drum map...otherwise it could get a bit confusing.
I checked the thread about sample replacing etc. but didn't really get how it has to be done.
yea, I have the same problem actually... it get's confusing I have two separate midi tracks for the drums one for the cymbals and one for kick/snare....
if you want to use it in the same drum map then drumagog is the only thing I know that can just replace the sounds, but I have no idea how you would fix the left/right hand hits issue in drumagog =( that's why I don't use it much....

edit: I just messed in the midi track to try to fix this and it was way easier then I thought you just go to the drum map setup and assign the note to battery or kontakt or whatever sampler you're using that way you can edit it all in the same midi track but assign it to different plug ins...