Melodic Hardcore! 5150 goodness

turn the guitars up!

then again im not on ideal monitors, but the bass sounds like it doesnt quite gel with the rest of the mix.
otherwise, im diggin it!
guitars do need a little push, maybe (though i hate to say it) even a little down on the bass. what are you using for drums? they sound great. reminds me of counterparts
haha i always recognize your mixes because of your signature high passing haha. i think the guitars need to be turned up a little or(or turn the drums down) and the guitars need a little boost in the 200-250 range. IMO
Definitely bring up the guitars and I would say lay off the hi-pass on them as well. They sound a bit dead if you know what I mean. I also agree with the guitars and bass not quite meshing. Perhaps playing with the lo-pass relationship of the guitars and bass might help?
I notice there's always a lack of low end on your guitars in your mixes, boost some low/low mids.
@ setyouranchor:

Good mix overall, maybe guitars are a little overbearing.
I like the snare. Where did you find Ryan's Parables drum samples?

Giuseppe [giubis]
@ setyouranchor:

Good mix overall, maybe guitars are a little overbearing.
I like the snare. Where did you find Ryan's Parables drum samples?

Giuseppe [giubis]

Cheers mate. Its hit or miss with guitars, I think they're finally at a level I'm happy with but who knows! Might change them right before the final mix haha and Ryan sent me his samples