Melodic Hardcore - ish mix

Jan 11, 2011
Hey guys ! Thought i'd get your advices on that mix i'm currently working on , and TBH struggling a bit with......

My main problem is the guitars, I asked the recording engineer to track DIs , but it "didn't work" according to him..... ( facepalm )
The sound takes are pretty bad, extremely muffled and lack gain, and the band keeps posting examples of guitar sounds they like...... 99% pod farm sound (facepalm again)

Real drums (partly replaced but I kept a bit of the real kick and snare blended in)

But anyway here is where I am right now ! I think i'm pretty close to the final mix, don't really see how I could do better, but i'd love to hear you guys thoughs on that ! - TAKE A LOOK - MIX 6.mp3

Updated the last version of the mix :)
Band is pretty pleased with it now, but If there is any advice or critics I can take...... Fell free !

Vocals seem a little loud. That may be preference though, cause they aren't THAT loud. Uhhh the guitars are kinda buggin me but I'm unsure exactly why. It seems like there is just barely not enough gain and perhaps a little bit too mid rangy but again the mix is good so I'm willing to chalk that one up to preference as well. But yeah sounds sweet.
vocals could use a tad more compression and ambience to sit better in the mix raher then on top of it.

Funny,I think the guitars have some podfarmish sounding stuff to them :lol:
Agree with ForceTheTriggerSucks, vocals are too loud (and the clean really lack balls and doubling but well that's not your fault), but the overall mix is pretty pleasant !
And yeah the guitars are reaaally undergained, it totally ruins the breakdown at 3:00...
Yeah, I know about the guitars, it's terrible I can't do anything about it :(( I threw a bit of harmonic exitement on it though, helps a bit but I'm just polishing a turd.... So gutted they did'nt get me any DI's ! I honestly thought about re-recording those myself but I don't have the time to do that

I'll take note on the vocals, I've already been fighting a bit with the band to lower them through the different versions of the mix ^^

Thanks for your critics guys :)

If anyone else feels like adding something, feel free !
