Melodic Hardcore


May 1, 2010
Brisbane AU
Hi guys, this is a solo project I have just started to help me keep practicing and progressing as a producer. Please give me any advice on what i'm doing wrong. Note that that bass is only MIDI so there wasn't much I can do about how it sounds. Song MP3.mp3

PS. I just threw a quick coat of Ozone on this and i'm not the best at mastering. So i'm not sure if that contributes to levels being off etc.

i hate the sound of the guitar that comes in at ~:32 seconds. But that Rhythm at ~:43 seconds is awesome for this tune I think. I would just try and do something different w/ your lead guitar tones.
May I be the first to say, this song is fucking killer. I absolutely love melodic hardcore, so this made me jizz. Haha, but yeah like ubersyntax said, tweak the lead tone a little bit more, maybe less treble? I don't actually know, cuz I'm a total noob at this stuff :)
Thanks for the input guys. I definitely agree with the lead tone, after the master it turned out very weak and tinny. I might even back down the gain on the rhythm tracks a bit cause I think they are clashing.

May I be the first to say, this song is fucking killer. I absolutely love melodic hardcore, so this made me jizz. Haha, but yeah like ubersyntax said, tweak the lead tone a little bit more, maybe less treble? I don't actually know, cuz I'm a total noob at this stuff :)

Hahaha appreciate it man. Was just sitting infront of my workstation and came up with it all on the spot, turned out ok :grin:
What did you use for your Rhythm guitars? Mic an amp? ampisms and impulses?

These rhythms are POD farm. I originally re amped them with a 6505 but i cant seem to get a good sound from a mic'd cab. I cant to figure out the problem.

Get my Maxon od808 soon so maybe that will help.