melodic-new school HC (real drums, real amps blablabla)

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
finished version: ON PRIDE EP/count on pride - 1.melody of memories.mp3

First time with my new interface: Metric Halo 2882 2d (loving it)
And my new preamp Audient Mico (was used on guitars and vocals)

Kick and Snare are triggered
Toms are 100% real (with some SSL (plugin) ;) )

guitars: dual tracked Tubescreamer->6505->Marshall vintage 4x12
Bass: Ibanez-> DI(Radial Pro)-> Podfarm

This is a song of a 4 track demo which I tracked with the band in 2,25 Days.
It was super tough but the band was tight (money wise) and I realy wanted to work with them.

I dont know if I´ll change anything because of the tight budget. ON PRIDE EP/Melody of Memories.mp3
guitars sound great and I dig the song! Can't say too much now because I'm not listening through my monitors but I think the kick is too thin and the snare is too machine-like for this kind of music, but that's a matter of taste. I would give those drums a bit more room. Vocals sound a bit too dry and upfront to me. And that vocalist's english is pretty funny from time to time :)

I think you're absolutely on the right way with your mix. Just some tweaks needed in my opinion.

How do you do that snare fade-in thing at the end of the song? Never tried it but sounds bombastic :)
Thanx :)
My ears were tired when I did the mix down. Listened on my ipod to the songs on shuffle (with some other stuff like counterparts....) and also think this is not finished yet.
So I told myself one day more. The budget is tight, but these kids are 15-18years old and have some potential.
I dont wanna give them something half-ready.

The snare thing is easy:
Take a snare hit with a long sustain. Reverse the hit, put the end of the reversed hit 0,5ms in front of the real snare.
When I put the reversed hit transient and the real snare transient on the same place, it sounded wrong.

I also faded the reversed snare out with like 1ms
So I only got that fade-in effect of the reversed snare.
dandelium, what would you say.
cut some 400hz-700hz on the full mix, or on what instruments.
today I will going to finish the mix and mastering,
so I realy want to make the best out of it

yeah its also on my list. maybe I am lowering them 1 dB.
the problem with extreme compressed vocals is they stuck in a mix.
it is very difficult to get them right in the place.
most of time they too loud or too quiet.

more pointers everybody
Thanks Grinder, but after listening on my stereo I am not happy yet.

I have a fucking cold (like 10days and it aint go back :( ) so my hearing is a little fucked, and my ears also get tired like after 10mins.

I never had to do so many new mix versions :( And I am doing them for my satisfaction and not because the bands want them)

did you do something to the guitars eq on the fixed version?? they sound like they have too much 800hz.

yeah the low end is better now. but you can do much better than this man. i once had to mix an orchestra and i had a very bad cold, so i had a friend come over while i was mixing to point out what i was doing wrong.